Introducing a new member to my family : Sullivan doggie


Lady Bug
Aug 16, 2015
Carbondale, IL
After my beloved Pugsly died, I thought I'd be okay with just me n' Argos doggie. But I found that I missed having a little cuddle pup. When I was still in Arizona, among the many dogs I fostered, two Shih Tzu's passed through my care (separately). They were such sweet and strong little dogs, I decided to look for one to adopt.

I meant to get a female pup, to compliment Argos' guy-ness (it's considered best to have a boy/girl combo, followed by boy/boy, last recommended is girl/girl) and I wanted from a rescue so I'd know it's personality, but as with my adoption of Argos, I broke all of my rules and did neither of those things.

My impatience led me to Petfinder a few weeks ago and I saw the most pathetic little Shih Tzu, then named "Harry", at a small town in Missouri's animal control pound. I drove the few hours from my mom's house in southern Illinois where I was visiting to Sullivan, Missouri. It was kinda on my route back to Columbia....

The Animal Control Officer showed me to the town's small and sad looking kennels and he brought out a partially de-haired rat. The rat perkily trotted up to me and I realized that the little creature was actually a dog.

He had been a stray at the city park, and no one claimed him after the required 5 days at the kennel, so he was put up for adoption. Apparently, he was flea-ridden when found, so the city vet gave him some hardcore flea med, and a chop job hair cut. He stank too.

"Harry" was friendly and somewhat indifferent of Argos, but they had no animosity.

Of course I took this ridiculous creature home.

After a Facebook poll, I named him Sullivan. Sully, for short.
He's a super cuddly sweetie, house trained(!), and decent on a leash. He and Argos have gotten comfortable with each other, and he has a surprisingly deep bark!

WtW, meet my new hiking and campering companion, Sullivan - first pic was that first day


Now has his own bed


The two of them

Love the last picture of the two.
I could not live without a dog as I could not live without.....hum...
Thanks! Yeah, I missed Pugsly so much (still do!!!!) but I realized I had also gotten used to having a little pup along with Argos.
Even though he continues to be itchy and has cost me a small fortune in vet bills thus far (we have another vet appt tomorrow for the continued itching issue), he's been a wonderful addition.

Sully was cold one day, so I tried one of Pugsly's shirts on him. I forgot how teeny this guy is!
Even Argos thought it was funny!

Congratulations! You have been an inspiration as I learn to travel and camp with two dogs. For my dog's allergies: Benadryl or Zyrtec at dog dosage, but to break the cycle, Apoquel. It is a new alternative to Prednisone, with less chance of side effects. Good luck!
Thanks, la_morris!!!

Just this morning my vet put Sully in Apolquel! I hope it helps - he got neutered a week ago Thursday, but still is wearing the cone so he doesn't lick all his super itchy spots (feet, groin, and pretty much anywhere else he can reach)

I need to pick up some Zyrtec for myself. Holy cow I'd forgotten how incredibly bad MY allergies are in the midwest. Whoa.
I had allergies in Prescott, but not like this. Ugh.
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