Inventory time


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
My mom is in the hospital, probable tia, we're still waiting for word so I'm just hanging around the house. Decided to clean up the truck a bit. Turned into a full drag everything out clean up. In addition to finding a few items that shouldn't have been in there (and lots of dog hair) I didn't find my tire chains. I could have sworn I tossed them in. Considering how Caltrans is about heavy trucks in the snow it could have caused me some little embarrassment.

At least now I know where everything is until i forget again :)
I wish all the best for your mother and you.

Hadn’t thought about a spring cleaning, other than the omnipresent quest to liberate my garage from rapidly reproducing stuff. Probably need to do that to camper, trailer and pickup. Thanks for the idea.
Good thoughts going out to your mom. My wife had a TIA last Oct, scared the s**t out of me since it presents like a stroke. But so far so good, quick recovery and back to the salt mines. Re: your tire chains. Be sure to look where they absolutely shouldn’t be. I once found my missing checkbook in the refrigerator.
I found my chains. Right where they're usually stored in the spare bedroom. I must have gotten distracted when I intended to load them up.
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