Inyo Mtns - Badger Flat and the road.


Mar 12, 2007
Santa Maria, CA
Because of work Wednesday night I had a late start Thursday, which meant going through Bakersfield around noon - I sure am glad I have air conditioning in the truck. Anyway, I made it to Indepence, CA around 3:00 PM, got gas and headed up Mazourka Canyon Rd. After a few sight seeing stops, I made it to Badger Flat around 6:00 PM and spent the rest of the day light wandering around.

It was clear that night when I started cooking dinner, but about 1/2 hour later a squall line came through and dumped on me for about 15 minutes. The rain was kind of a problem because I was grilling outside, but hey, it was more fun than bothersome.

The next day I continued up and north. Not far out of Badger Flat the road got real fun (and occasionally nerve wracking) - narrow, some rock crawling, lots of side ways tilt to the road, I even got out and walked 3 different stretches. The road gets up to 9,500 feet.

I did suffer 1 casualty when I was going down a narrow section of road that titlted to the right, on granite, covered with pea-gravel. I was almost past a particularly close in branch when the truck slipped a few inches and hit it at the very rear of the camper. The vertical weather strip between the back and side of the camper was pulled out a little.

The first 2 pictures are from Badger Flat, the next 2 pictures are from the peek of the road.


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Inyo Mtns - Papoose & Squaw Flats

I finally made down to Papoose Flat which is at about 8,000 feet. While the rest of Southern California was suffering from a heat wave with temperatures as high as 115F, I was in comfortable 80F weather. Friday and Saturday nights I fell asleep under the stars on my poncho wearing jeans, boots, a thermal shirt, tee-shirt and hat, and woke up between midnight and 2:00 AM because I was cold – what a great way to go to sleep and wake up!

I met a group of 10 jeeps, land rovers, etc. while exploring Squaw Flat to the east. Luckily they had radios and room for me to pull to the side about 100 yards in front of me, so I didn’t have to back up; the closest passing location was about 1/4 mile behind me.

Later I met a couple with a 4x4 VW Vanagon. I think that’s the kind of vehicle that might make a nice addition to this forum. I didn’t realize it, but the Vanagon doesn’t have a low range transfer case, but it does have a granny gear, and they had the same philosophy as most of use here.

I spent the rest of the days wondering around Papoose Flat and Squaw Flat, going to the north, south, down the middle, in the day and night. I even got up at 4:00 AM one day for a morning walk. There were thunder storms all around me during the evenings, but I never got rained on again. Following are some of the better pictures of: dogs tired after a long walk, views of Papoose Flat from various angles, rain storms, etc.


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Pictures, continues

The last day and sunset.


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Wonderful pix Ed. The dogs look like they were pretty relaxed and the scenery is beautiful. I remember about 15 years ago heading up to Bishop creek about 11,000 feet above Bishop. The road was very drivable but the climb was hell. I had a Nissan that made it fine but when we got there a Vanagon was stopped working on his tranny. He had to slip the clutch all the way up the hill land burned it out. I dont think there made for our type of camping.
Edo ... Nice shots and a cool write up. It's been about a month since my last outing and I'm getting kind of feverish for a trip like that. Thanks for posting.


Great pictures and write up!! Somehow I overlooked your report for the last week or so...Certainly somewhere I would like to check out..sounds like alot of area up there..

the wife and I ended up staying at a friends house in Montecito for a couple of days over the holiday/10th anniversary weekend. It was nice..thank ou for your PM on info re. places to go.

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