IOTA replacement


New Member
Jul 27, 2010
West Coast
I want to change the Alaskan’s IOTA from a 30 amp to a 55 amp. If you have experience with this type of change I could use some advice. The unit footprints are the same and space should not be an issue, but cooling might be. The wiring size to the batteries is a concern given the articulated wiring bundle. The Alaskan is a 2002 - is there a right/wrong way to remove the unit?

An update for those considering a replacement of the IOTA:

1) the old and new are not the same size – new is smaller than 2001 model
2) the status indicator is different – can only be seen head-on
3) the circuit breaker location is moved – now within 18 inches of battery
4) the wiring size changed – needs 8 gauge

To put the new IOTA where the old unit was installed requires relocating the Alaskan’s fuse panel and fastening the IOTA to the base of the overhead cabinet so that the status indicator can be seen. A new wire bundle route to accommodate the more rigid 8 gauge wire is required and the wire to bond the unit to the chassis is moved.

Always looking for an easy way, I mounted the IOTA vertically on the panel between the under-seat cavity and the hydraulic pump; connected the unit to the existing battery shunts on the truck wall (built in circuit breakers); connected the IOTA bonding lug to the truck frame; and used the 110volt circuit that powers a separate battery charger from a Honda generator.
The cases are identical it looks like you disconnect one and re-connect the new one.
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