Iq4 Smart Charger For Iota Dls 30 Converter


Mar 4, 2007
Sacramento, Ca
have any of you purchased the IQ4 unit?

how is it working for you?

have you ever put a dvm on it and watched what is does?
I thought about getting one but just decided to save the cash and just run the 12V stuff off the batteries when on shore power and just top up the batteries using a shore power smart charger which is better designed for my batteries.
If you run you battery down to fair (or lower :(), without the iq4, it takes up to a day to trickle charge back to full charge with shore power. Since we were spending days at a time away from shore power and running two laptops for a number of hours each day and the furnace at night, we used a generator to recharge. We got the Iq4 so we could recharge in an hour or so and the iq4 does the trick. It may not be the best fast-charge controller, but it does claim to do a tapered charge. We have since added a solar panel (and only carry the generator in the winter for emergencies), so we have not run the battery down much at all. I do carry a DMM, so next time I do a shore power / gnerator charge, I'll look at the voltage profile. If you do not have solar, I would definitely recommend the iq4.
Jack! hello!

thats what i expected to hear. thanks. it seems to me that for $30 its a good investment....and its trivial to attach.

i dont see why it would not be a good fit for any lead acid, sealed, agm or otherwise.
it seems to me that for $30 its a good investment....and its trivial to attach.

i dont see why it would not be a good fit for any lead acid, sealed, agm or otherwise.

Oh if you already have the Iota then yeah it'd be a good call, I incorrectly assumed you didn't have either (which I didn't), my bad.

Its an relatively good fit but somewhat off my AGM's for instance, however it at least it errors on the lower voltage side which is a little slower charge but won't boil them out which is the side I'd like to error on.
Oh if you already have the Iota then yeah it'd be a good call, I incorrectly assumed you didn't have either (which I didn't), my bad.

Its an relatively good fit but somewhat off my AGM's for instance, however it at least it errors on the lower voltage side which is a little slower charge but won't boil them out which is the side I'd like to error on.

what do you mean about the agm's? i dont understand
what do you mean about the agm's? i dont understand

Just the charge profile for the deep cycle adsorbent glass mat batteries I have. There tends to be a relatively standard sealed/agm battery profile and also what I've seen referred to as "high performance agm profile" which has a bit higher charge voltage during the bulk/adsorbent phase similar to a flooded lead acid but then needs to drop down so it doesn't cook the batteries in float.

In the case of my batteries 14.4-14.7V during bulk/adsorbant and then 13.5-13.8V in float. Where the Iota does 14.76bulk, 14.16adsorbant, 13.56float which is relatively good but doesn't "over charge" (that is the adsorbent phase) the batteries at the higher voltage which may/may not affect long term condition of the battery/plates (I'm not a battery expert). However its close so if I already had that charger I definately wouldn't worry about changing it out.

I didn't have anything yet and just opted to buy a hard wired battery charger that I mounted in my camper that has 4 different charge profiles available, one of which is a 14.7V bulk/adsorbent charge and 13.6Vfloat which is right in the sweet spot for the batteries I have.

Hopefully that wasn't info overload.
Bringing an old thread back from the dead....

I was looking at installing a charger/converter in my Roamin Chariot project. Is everyone still happy with their IQ4 Iotas? Any other converter/chargers people have tried?
With the IQ4, the Iota is a great smart charger designed for AGM batteries. If 30 amp charging capacity is not enough for you, the DLS-45 fits in the same space, provides 45 amp charging and is only a little more money. Another positive feature of the IQ4 is that you can leave the AC power on for extended time and every seven days, the IQ4 recycles to ensure that the battery is kept fully charged if the battery charge has not been drawn down in the seven day period. Without the IQ4, the DLS-30 provides a constant voltage to the battery that is approximately the float voltage for batteries. In that case you should think of the DLS-30 as just a DC power supply and not a battery charger.

I'm happy with mine. I left my camper plugged in for 5 months without checking and once I did everything was working as expected. This is a cheap upgrade.

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