Ireteba Peaks - Lost Hot Wheels/Matchbox Cars Left at Camp - Please Help


New Member
Dec 25, 2010
Intermountain West
I have something weighing on my heart after returning from my last trip. I just got back last night from a 33 day trip touring Nevada and one of my last camps was at the Ireteba Peaks area. On a large rock near a fire ring were about 6 Hot Wheels/Matchbox Cars including The Batmobile and Scooby Doo's Mystery Machine. Seeing this just tore me up. I can only imagine the heartbreak of a child that left those there. The child was probably having the time of his life in such a great place to play. It probably even hurt Mom/Dad too that the cars were forgotten. They were well played with, but not damaged like they had been there for years. It probably just happened this past summer.

I left them there because I thought taking them would only make it worse. The best chance of those cars getting home was to post to you guys. If anyone knows who the parents are, it would make a great Christmas gift if those cars got back to the original owner. I hate to tug on heart strings this time of year, but c'mon guys, we all love our trucks and campers, so why wouldn't a little one love his trucks/cars just as much.

I actually doubt anyone on this forum can help, but why not try. The campsite isn't too far from Nelson and Searchlight, NV.
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