Is my lock OK?


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2012

I'm wondering if I need to put something on my lock to protect it? It had a little ProtectAll on it, but I've gone up and down I-70 a few times in the snow (with magnesium chloride and whatever else on the roads).


I washed it yesterday because that white crust concerned me, and I thought I got it all off but it looks like it came back. Used the DIY car wash... I realize many of you might not touch the DIY wash with a 10 ft. pole, but I try to be careful (I stand way back, and sometimes just rinse without pulling the "trigger") and I figure it's better than leaving the camper dirty.

Now the key is a little hard to insert. What can I do?

Thank you
After repeatedly seeing what a steady diet of WD-40 does to firearms while working in a gun shop during my lower division years, I don't use it for anything. I use graphite in lock mechanisms of any sort. PB-Blaster for working loose frozen stuff. Appropriate light oils for most everything else.
Thanks guys. Good links there Rotti -- I'll try the polish. I'll also probably start with graphite in the lock. I have some aversion to WD-40 around dirt, and it sounds like both of you initially lean towards graphite.
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