It is good to be Stew.


Site Team
Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
Didn't want to hijack Doug's thread on getting far, far away, so thought I'd start a new thread. In the just mentioned thread are a couple of quotes from Doug:

"...back when I lived in Eastern Oegon"

"When I lived in Truckee..."

His posts show he currently lives in Colorado. I know he has lived in Marin County, Dubai, and Japan. Ask about visiting somewhere and he will have advice from having been there.

It just makes me want to break out in song.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Good one Ted.Have you ever listened closely to the song and thought about all the places you have been that Jonnie mentioned in the song?
All the time!!
Ted is spot on! Stew does seem to have been just about everywhere! Love his old pics, he has some classic shots.
don't forget Alaska and Peru! Doug could be a character in a Graham Greene novel, a peripatetic wanderer. I don't chip in to this forum too often, as my camper is tertiary to other stuff I have going on, primarily wilderness horse and mule stuff. But, I enjoy following his posts and photos. He and I go back over thirty years of hill wandering.

A quick story, he and I were descending from the California Matterhorn when we saw a bird on the ground trying to stay still and not be seen. An odd behavior for a bird, we pondered. Turns out it was an arctic ptarmigan, well out of its range. Kinda like seeing the northern lights from Reno.
Greatbasinguide said:
A quick story, he and I were descending from the California Matterhorn when we saw a bird on the ground trying to stay still and not be seen. An odd behavior for a bird, we pondered. Turns out it was an arctic ptarmigan, well out of its range. Kinda like seeing the northern lights from Reno.
We have seen a lot of ptarmigan up in the Pasayten but never around the Matterhorn. Great story! Stew does have stories from an uncountable number of adventures!
Modern bird book range maps now show a little spot south of Lake Tahoe as part of the ptarmigans' range, but that was not the case in the early '80s. Interestingly, I had my second sighting of ptarmigan last summer on the rocky flanks of Stewart Peak, a former 14er, here in Colorado. On lichen colored rocks, they are extremely well camouflaged.
chnlisle said:
Stewart Peak. Figures.
You know if we help Stew pile up a bunch of rocks on the summit, it might get recognized as an official 14er again. This would have a real down side though. The 14ers are busy. You can have wonderful 13ers all to yourself!
ski3pin said:
You know if we help Stew pile up a bunch of rocks on the summit, it might get recognized as an official 14er again. This would have a real down side though. The 14ers are busy. You can have wonderful 13ers all to yourself!
Maybe Jay and I could pile up a bunch of pencils to reach 14k.
chnlisle said:
I'm collecting them now,
Great between 3pin's rocks and our pencils we should be able to get Stewart back up to 14k where it rightfully belongs. ( BTW Jay, I now have four friends in the Tucson area, so maybe we can share a coffee or a beer or whatever when I drop in for a visit.)
Doug Stewart said:
Great between 3pin's rocks and our pencils we should be able to get Stewart back up to 14k where it rightfully belongs. ( BTW Jay, I now have four friends in the Tucson area, so maybe we can share a coffee or a beer or whatever when I drop in for a visit.)
I look forward to it.
The Yukon Mosquito, II running on shore power above the South Arkansas River.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Looks mighty cold,Stew.
Lucky to have shore power.How much does that help?Does it keep the battery charged so you can run the heater and stay warm?
Enjoy the snow.
About 15F that morning, Frank. Shore power runs the laptop, micro-wave, and small space heater and also charges the house battery for lights, etc.

Indeed, I do love the snow!
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