It is good to be Stew.

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Posted Today, 08:04 AM

ski3pin, on 04 Dec 2013 - 07:30 AM, said:
ski3pin said:
It is good to be Stew! Happy travels! :)
I think it is also good to be The Ski3Pins, what with the new custom ATC coming on-line soon!

Stew and ATC just north of Buena Vista, CO. 3F at 0700 hours. BV01_edited-1.jpg
Stew, looks like a great time! Are you skiing? What's the snowpack depth? Low temps like that makes me think of faceted crystal growth. Stay warm and have fun!
ski3pin said:
Stew, looks like a great time! Are you skiing? What's the snowpack depth? Low temps like that makes me think of faceted crystal growth. Stay warm and have fun!
Having great fun, 3pin. I'm skating at tiny XC center near Ski Cooper on Tennessee Pass so there is no avalanche risk. It was lot warmer today which was good.
Indeed. Jay, there are some who would say it is crazy to be Stew!
I believe I fall into that group. As Stew knows from our trip about this time last year, this California wimp can't handle cold temps for very long. 3 degrees?! Glad you are enjoying it but I don't think we will be joining you anytime soon.
Ted said:
I believe I fall into that group. As Stew knows from our trip about this time last year, this California wimp can't handle cold temps for very long. 3 degrees?! Glad you are enjoying it but I don't think we will be joining you anytime soon.
I guess you wouldn't want to be here with me, Ted.

Stew in the not-so-steep and deep.
I'm standing straight up in bottomless powder from which, I should add, it took me a very long time to extricate myself.
Doug Stewart said:
I guess you wouldn't want to be here with me, Ted.

Stew in the not-so-steep and deep.
I'm standing straight up in bottomless powder from which, I should add, it took me a very long time to extricate myself.
Why, that looks like so much fun, I'll let you take my turn, I'll stay here in Ca with Ted :p !

Ted said:
I believe I fall into that group. As Stew knows from our trip about this time last year, this California wimp can't handle cold temps for very long. 3 degrees?! Glad you are enjoying it but I don't think we will be joining you anytime soon.
Stew, Teds and Mike in scary snow, Dec 2012.
Smokecreek1 said:
Why, that looks like so much fun, I'll let you take my turn, I'll stay here in Ca with Ted :p !

Indeed, Smoke, I will! :D

Don't get me wrong, I like a nice warm fire, too.
Smokecreek1 said:
Why, that looks like so much fun, I'll let you take my turn, I'll stay here in Ca with Ted :p !

Smoke, this is my old home town, Soda Springs, a few winters ago. It's also in CA, by the way.



There was more snow on the ground there in California than I've ever seen in Colorado! Burned many a log in the woodstove in that town, for sure.
Stew-did I say I'm sitting next to my wood stove & debating on going out to my wood pile to fill up my ready box now or maybe later when it warms up and it's nor so slippery! :oops: Another storm due in on Wednesday and I wish it would have the snow fall you just had--just cold and more cold with just enough snow to cover the grass and keep things cold. At least the last couple days it has been warming up from the zeros and below we had last week--with again almost no snow :p . We bitch when we have it, and bitch when we don't, but I'm sure tired of this drought we have had here in Susanville for the last several years!
I love those snow pictures! Fun, fun, fun. I hate shoveling and trying to get things done in the snow, but I love it when it makes you stop and just enjoy it. Of course, I'm a Minnesota boy, so I have to like snow and cold. But we don't get it like those last two shots- that is serious snow. Have to go the UP to see snow like that around here. Thanks for the pictures, Stew.

That one of you buried reminds me of a time I was a volunteer with some school kids and we took them on a snowshoe hike in the deep woods. The snow was about 4 feet deep. They were all complaining about the snowshoes, so I told them to take them off if they didn't like them. I said no one was going to make them wear them. Of course they all plopped right down and took them off. Then they tried to stand up and walk. So funny! They all sunk up to their necks just like you. Had no complaints about the snowshoes after that. :LOL:
Having great fun, 3pin. I'm skating at tiny XC center near Ski Cooper on Tennessee Pass so there is no avalanche risk. It was lot warmer today which was good.
Ski Cooper! Chicago Ridge! Love me some out of the way ski mountains. Living my 2013-14 ski season vicariously through Stew!

Smokecreek1 said:
Stew-did I say I'm sitting next to my wood stove & debating on going out to my wood pile to fill up my ready box now or maybe later when it warms up and it's nor so slippery! :oops: Another storm due in on Wednesday and I wish it would have the snow fall you just had--just cold and more cold with just enough snow to cover the grass and keep things cold. At least the last couple days it has been warming up from the zeros and below we had last week--with again almost no snow :p . We bitch when we have it, and bitch when we don't, but I'm sure tired of this drought we have had here in Susanville for the last several years!
Did you ever get up from the fire and go get those much needed logs, Smoke?

Yes, we are in a profound drought here in SE CO as well. All the trees, such as they are, are dying. As for your area, is there any water at all in Honey Lake?--my favorite body of water after Lake Winnamucca.
Foy said:
Ski Cooper! Chicago Ridge! Love me some out of the way ski mountains. Living my 2013-14 ski season vicariously through Stew!

Actually, Foy, the pic of Stew swimming in the ultra deep pow was taken last winter a few miles from Ski Cooper coming down from the 10th Mnt Div hut below Chicago Ridge.
takesiteasy said:
I love those snow pictures! Fun, fun, fun. I hate shoveling and trying to get things done in the snow, but I love it when it makes you stop and just enjoy it. Of course, I'm a Minnesota boy, so I have to like snow and cold. But we don't get it like those last two shots- that is serious snow. Have to go the UP to see snow like that around here. Thanks for the pictures, Stew.

That one of you buried reminds me of a time I was a volunteer with some school kids and we took them on a snowshoe hike in the deep woods. The snow was about 4 feet deep. They were all complaining about the snowshoes, so I told them to take them off if they didn't like them. I said no one was going to make them wear them. Of course they all plopped right down and took them off. Then they tried to stand up and walk. So funny! They all sunk up to their necks just like you. Had no complaints about the snowshoes after that. :LOL:
Ya, I am no longer a great fan of shoveling myownself, Easy, that's why I moved out of the mountains. Leave shoveling to youngsters like the Ski3pins!

Speaking of snow, one Dec when I was visiting Barrow Alaska, I showed some similar photos of Soda Springs to a local, an Eskimo as a matter of fact. He said: Man, that's sure a lot of snow! The North Slope, as you know, is really a desert, with a few inches of snow blowing back and forth the whole winter long, drifting up here and then there, but never accumulating in any depth. I always thought it was funny that a snowy photos from sunny CA would have such an effect on a native from north of the Arctic Circle.
Well Stew, there will be no sail boat races at Honey Lake this year! Still getting the wood pile up to snuff, but this partial Pokoniv (ice fog) is making life miserable (cooked a nice swiss steak up to make things better), but the sun is breaking out (then we might be a SUNNY CA) and getting ready to walk the dog. Storm due in on Wednesday, probably more cold than snow, but we are better off than Reno, been in a inversion for the last week, can't burn there, medical alerts an all the usual, so they hope this storm clears things out. Takeiteasy is getting the weather not us!

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