It must be summer!

How appropriate that today -- the first full day of summer -- marked the high temperature for the year so far at my house: 88°F.


I should say that I'm not really celebrating this -- personally, I have little use for temperatures >75°F
...but then, it's not all about me, is it?

I am on the East Coast so your graph does not quite fit. But back in June I saw this kind of thing coming our way (actually it was already there) and I had no reason to believe it would leave before mid August. So we packed the Eagle and headed north with an eye to the weather charts every time we hit a hot spot (the other kind of hot spot). Spent 4 weeks in Nova Scotia before we figured it might be safe to return. Did not manage the 75 max but came close.
Low this morning at my place was 37° -- the coldest low since late June.


"Winter is coming!"
(anyone read A Game of Thrones?
Wow. I keep hearing people around my neck of the woods saying it's going to be an early winter. The temps have been mild so far, but the spiders have started moving indoors - about two weeks ahead of schedule. I hear an El Niño is brewing, which should mean more snow in the southwest, and hopefully better snowpack (not to mention skiing). Time to add to the woodpile.
Wow. I keep hearing people around my neck of the woods saying it's going to be an early winter. The temps have been mild so far, but the spiders have started moving indoors - about two weeks ahead of schedule. I hear an El Niño is brewing, which should mean more snow in the southwest, and hopefully better snowpack (not to mention skiing). Time to add to the woodpile.

Of course, an El Nino hard winter down your way means a wimpy one up north
Oh well...we had a good winter in the OR/WA Cascades last winter, I guess it's only fair.
Well one reason to be happy that summer is waning is that our peaches are working their way to getting ripe. This will be our best crop since putting in trees. I need to do a good pruning job this fall.



Nothing like a fresh peach right off the tree!
Despite some pre-advancing of the calendar's still summer here in Oregon.
It hit 95° in Portland yesterday
and it's forecast to reach 86° here in Bend today (in Bend that's a summer temperature).

...but Monday the forecast high is 68°, as a cold front moves in from the Pacific.
Still no freezing nights on the forecast horizon...and a first freeze in September would be normal for Bend. We'll see...
UPDATE: It topped out at 87° at my house, so it's still summer, at least.
OK...this season and this thread is finally nearing its end:
At my house today (though I wasn't there, I know through the power of SCIENCE! and the Internet) the low was 32°F, the first freeze since early June, and the high was only 65°F, the lowest high since late June.

It's all good. :)
Still in the mid to upper 90s here. Maybe we could mix it up a bit. I'm not ready for winter yet, but a little cooldown would be nice.
The high at my house today is 89°F, so even though we've had a couple hints of fall, it's still summer in Bend.
And it explains why it's now cloudy here on the coast where I am:
Warm inland --> fog/low-clouds on the coast.

The low at my house this morning was 45, so a 44-degree temperature swing.
Well, today is the last full day of summer -- autumnal equinox comes tomorrow at 7:49 am, PDT.
It hasn't been a hot summer in Bend -- it never reached 100° at my house...but it was hot enough that I bought a room-cooling-size air conditioner for the hottest zone in my house. Must be getting old...

Still not so old that I feel the need for air conditioning in my camper...that's what they make high elevation and north for.
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