John Muir


Senior Member
Site Team
Jul 26, 2011
New England
An old piece on getting out and not only seeing and enjoying but also preserving for future generations... as what would we have if it were not for those before us who fought the fight to save the splendor we enjoy now. And on that thought how we can continue to save what is left for the oh so many more of us who we are now.

If this isn't in the right thread or I have yet blundered yet again... please let me know.


  • John Muir .pdf
    101.3 KB · Views: 139
Funny you post the Muir files.
We were just at his home in Martinez,Ca
over the weekend.We hadn't been there since a Christmas
visit about 35 years ago.

It's a NP site and since the house was closed due to Covid we walked the grounds
and up to "mount Wanda". That's a hill about the house area that has great views of the bay area.

Lots of great Oaks,Buckeyes and some wild flowers.

Thanks for the link.
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