Just a few pics from the Gila NF


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2008
Southern Appalachians
I think the Gila has the oldest wilderness area of all the National Forests, dates to 1924. It is the 6th largest and is located in the SW of New Mexico, luckily not too far from my home. It is always low moisture but now is in a drought and under extremely high fire warning, if the lack of precipitation continues they may impose some pretty restrictive rules, like no travel!

The Continental Divide Trail runs right through the forest and we headed to FR150 which at times is the divide and other times is very close. The trail starts about 15 miles North of Mimbres, NM and my campsite :) is only about 1 mile up the road, up being the correct term, my trans temp went up 30 degrees in that mile! Camp is close to 7000'. I was dragging a trailer with my daughters quad and my DR650 dual sport. Just had time for one night, did some exploration with the bike, forded the Mimbres River a few times (not a difficult task right now). Lots of camping spots all along the road and down some of the spurs. Rocky Canyon is an official campsite 12 miles from where we stayed, found some nice sites by the river for a future visit.
Level?? Don't need no stinkin level....

Cookes Peak, 35 miles as the Raven flies, 8400'

Foster Dog, available!


Did our part to clean up, hauled out a couple dozen beer bottles :mad:
I know a few spots in this area so if you are headed this way and have questions let me know :D
Thanks for posting this Barko!
I know almost nothing of New Mexico...yet. I may need some guidance to educate myself for a future trip.
So much country to see...but ga$ $o expen$ive!
Thanks for posting this Barko!
I know almost nothing of New Mexico...yet. I may need some guidance to educate myself for a future trip.
So much country to see...but ga$ $o expen$ive!

I topped off with diesel at the end of the trip and was happy to get it at $3.95. The last couple years I have made trips to ..Oregon, Alaska, Newfoundland. This year I may spend more time nearby, El Malpais, Guadalupes, Chiricahuas. I can still burn plenty of petrol getting there.
Hey, Barko, is FR150 right on the Continental Divide? The maps make it look that way! Do you know of any other roads that follow the Divide like that?

Thanks for the pics.
Hey, Barko, is FR150 right on the Continental Divide? The maps make it look that way! Do you know of any other roads that follow the Divide like that?

Thanks for the pics.

It is right on the divide, in some places including my campsite :) Great views in several directions. It is part of the continental divide trail from Canada to Mexico. That trail is a bike trail, motorcycles good for much of it with some route changes where it is pedestrian or bicycle only, and much of it runs on forest/back country roads. FR150 is called N. Star road on Google Earth, runs from NM 35 to Beaverhead. There is some sort of workcamp at Beaverhead but nothing else really but from there East to I25 there is pavement that again crosses the divide,an excellent little used road (NM52), runs to Winston and Chloride, that would be they way to access from the North. Nearby is the Springtime Campground N of Monticello in the San Mateo Mtns, also very nice area accessible to most vehicles.
Thanks for this trip report.

Besides the camper build and modification threads, I really like trip reports.

So much so that I often take the brief descriptions given and at the risk of revealing too much information on someone's hidden places, I will make a path in GoogleEarth and then publish the path for fellow GoogleEarth users to look it over, maybe even fly along the path. A lot of information can be had from this process.

So, with appologies to Barko, if I'm doing too much in his thread or exposing the Gila...

Here's a screen capture (using the free version of Screen Hunter) on what I think he is talking about... route wise.


But, wait there's more...
It slices, it dices, it...

Here is the web link to my KML "path" file.



This will only work if you have GoogleEarth already installed on your computer.

Click on the link above to go to the "4-Shared" web site where you can click on the BLUE "download" button, there could be a short wait while the counter, counts down to zero (for the free service to kick in), then a "Download File Now" button, then an "Open" dialog window will appear, click it too, and finally it should start up GoogleEarth and zoom you right in to the above green route.

Hey, it's a FREE file sharing service... sure you have a do a bunch on clicking and a little waiting.

You can then manually zoom and rotate the view in your GoogleEarth and even "fly" the route in an F-16 or SR-22 (which is slower), look under "Tools" on GoogleEarth.


Oh, I didn't do a path from Beaverhead to I-25 or the NM52 roads, maybe next time.

I believe that you have got it made! It's great that your girl rides.
Might that ride be a .....Rancher (or a Foreman)?

Someday, I must visit, have a good friend in Blanco that I need to see.


I believe that you have got it made! It's great that your girl rides.
Might that ride be a .....Rancher (or a Foreman)?

Someday, I must visit, have a good friend in Blanco that I need to see.


Polaris, actually she used to ride but got injured when working for BLM and now can't work or ride and so she goes camping with me. The polaris (450) has an auto so she doesn't have to shift and we put the brake lever on the right grip instead of the left because her left side is limited in function but she can operate this. All operational controls are on the right. It does enable her to get out and into the wilds some. Then with the Segway X2 (offroad) she can also get down some trails. All in all she gets pretty good access.

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