Just because you have a lifted truck doesn't mean....

What are some of these people thinking?
Living here on the central coast we see people who just don't think when it comes to the power of the ocean.
Nice to see he got out but what a risk the Coast Guard took to get him.
Hope he was charged for the rescue.
There are some instances where the subject should bear the total cost of their rescue with the addition of fines, court cost, and jail time. And, that is not addressing the consequences of negating the laws of natural selection.
Pretty amazing that the guy just kept going forward after getting swamped the first time ... and got out of the truck a few times. Wow!! Wonder if he was able to drive out later or if the truck's electronics are ever going to be the same. Makes me wonder if I was that stupid in my early years!?
People who do things like this usually are under the influence of some behavior altering substance.
Hats off to the USCG for the work they do.
A Forrest said his momma said..."STUPID is as STUPID does".

We had a acronym in flight school for these kind of STUPID decisions, NAFOD. No Apparent Fear Of Death.

And of course STUPID had to put others at risk to save his bacon.

Making a rational decision to continue in the face of death is one thing, needlessly is entirely different.
That's just a special kinda of stupid....... Glad there were no truck campers hurt in the making of this video...lol
Advmoto18 said:
We had a acronym in flight school for these kind of STUPID decisions, NAFOD. No Apparent Fear Of Death.
The good thing about the fearless types is there was usually a nearby instructor pilot who would give them a dope slap with a kneeboard alongside the flight helmet
And he doubled-down at least twice, possibly 3 or more times, by continuing outbound after the first swamping.

It was only January 26, and the 2017 Darwin Award winner has already been named.

Ronin said:
Pretty amazing that the guy just kept going forward after getting swamped the first time ... and got out of the truck a few times. Wow!! Wonder if he was able to drive out later or if the truck's electronics are ever going to be the same. Makes me wonder if I was that stupid in my early years!?

He had several chances to engage brain and never did. The 1st wave that pushed the vehicle should have been a huge wakeup call.

Traversing the crack after he fell in the1st time!

in the words of Bugs Bunny, "What a Maroon!"

Makes me wonder who called for rescue?
This guy can probably vote too.....He should be castrated so he cannot breed.

Strong opinion to follow.

If only we would allow natural selection to run its course, or at least let these extreme examples of shear stupidity continue to their natural conclusion. A missed opportunity to thin the herd and and maybe clean up the DNA pool, even if just a little..

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