KC O'Connor's B'day?

Happy B-day, KC. Surely you have some philosophical story based on your life experiences you can share with us.

In case you are wondering where that came from, I reread your recently revived trip reports on EP and remembered how much many of us look forward to your writings.
Dunno whether it's true, but that's what I heard...

You heard correct - turned the big 4-0 on the 21st. Never thought I'd make it this far.... I hear you have a birthday coming very soon too! ;)

Happy B-day, KC. Surely you have some philosophical story based on your life experiences you can share with us...

Thanks Ted! I do have a few lessons I've learned and rules I try to live by...

#1 - Just be nice to that police officer

#2 - When she says, "I'm fine", she's not...

#3 - Always have a camera handy

#4 - There is no day so bad, that a hug from my daughter can't make better

#5 - Never let the facts get in the way of a good story

Who knows what the next 40 years may teach me? :)

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