Keystone Rebuild - Narrow Floor Pack, Redo Interior, Paint Exterior

Looking better all the time. I'm going to steal your bedliner idea. I have one lid over the propain box to spray. Looks good in your pics. Thanks Mitch
Thanks guys!

Time for another update.

I haven't done a huge amount to the camper yet, I'm waiting on some more work to come in before spending more money on it. As a small business owner, it is either feast or famine.

Anyway, I'm doing what I can do without spending money, that means working on the outside of the camper!

So, I started in on the bondo work to the driver side and back where there were holes poked into the camper from the previous owner. I also removed all the decals (man what a pain!) on the whole camper.

I am also going to be painting all the trim work black as the natural aluminum finish really dates the camper. So after all the bondo work was done and the decals were removed, I prepped the whole camper by wet sanding it with 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper.

After it was dry, I masked off the camper, then went around the camper and sprayed all the bare aluminum with self etching aluminum primer.

After the primer was dry, I went over it with some #00 steel wool, then sprayed the whole camper with automotive primer.

After the primer was dry, I wet sanded it down with some 1000 grit sandpaper. I had some polyurethane paint already on hand in my supplies that matched my truck's color perfectly, so I mixed it up and sprayed it. This isn't the true color as my camera flash ran out of batteries so I used natural light. I didn't bother to color correct the images. The color is the same as my 2005 F350.

Anyway, after work tomorrow, I'm going to mask off all the trim and the stripe areas, then mix up some black polyurethane and spray down the stripes and trim. I also need to sand down the outside of the floor pack and repaint it with some polyamide epoxy.

Then it is back onto the inside and finishing up the cabinet work and chalk painting the cabinetry and seat bases.

It is pretty close to being finished after that. Just need to buy some foam for the seating and sleeping areas and pick out the fabric I want to use for the covers. My sister will be sewing all the cushion covers for me, so that's one less thing I need to do.

Then all I have left is to finish up the inside wiring and it is done!
You're doing a great job,very clean,I'm sure it'll show in the finished product....

Project looking really nice, can't wait to see the finished product.

Thanks for posting the bed replacement instructions, I've since been able to measure the sag on my hawk and found it to be about 3/8", a lot less than I thought. So, maybe a winter project for me.
Thanks guys. I hope to have it finished and on the truck in a couple of weeks!

Time for another update.

Today I finished painting the camper sides.

First I had to mask everything off that wouldn't be painted.

I then mixed up some black Acrolon Polyurethane 2 part paint and using a small touchup gun, sprayed all the trim pieces and stripes. I did two coats, first a tack coat then a full coat.

After the paint set up for about a half hour I took off all the masking. After about an hour I started in on applying grey/silver pinstripes to match my truck. I'll have to finish them up tomorrow as the black paint was still a little tacky and I didn't want to mess with the tighter areas when pinstriping.

I think I might add another pinstripe to the tops of the black stripes, do you think I should?

That's it for now.

Tomorrow I'll sand down the exterior of the floor pack and epoxy coat it with some grey polyamide epoxy I have on hand. I'll probably work on cleaning up the roof trim and priming/painting it as well. I'll be painting the roof trim the same black as the other trim and stripes.
Colorado CJ said:
After it was dry, I masked off the camper, then went around the camper and sprayed all the bare aluminum with self etching aluminum primer.
Nice job! Wish mine looked as good. My camper got hammered by hail sometime in its past along with scrapes and bruises from years of use, so it would be a major job to straighten. I still am entertaining the idea of painting it.

The self etching primer you used; was it specifically for aluminum or was it just a general automotive self etching primer?

JaSAn said:
Nice job! Wish mine looked as good. My camper got hammered by hail sometime in its past along with scrapes and bruises from years of use, so it would be a major job to straighten. I still am entertaining the idea of painting it.

The self etching primer you used; was it specifically for aluminum or was it just a general automotive self etching primer?

It was Rustoleum brand self etching primer. It was designed to use on aluminum. I first cleaned the aluminum with #00 steel wool before spraying the self etching primer.

After it dried, I did an adhesion test and the primer was bonded solidly to the aluminum.
Thanks everyone.

I was just able to do one thing today to the camper (busy day today). I mixed up some grey epoxy and painted the exterior of the wood floor pack.

I should have some time tomorrow to start in on painting the roof.

Let me be the first to say "WOW"! It looks awesome!

edit: darn Wandering beat me by a minute :)

BTW, if you click on the pic, it links you to more photos on Photobucket
Thanks again guys!

Today's Update

I finished up painting the outside today. First I masked off everything but the roof and then cleaned up the bare aluminum.

I then sprayed on some self etching aluminum primer and let it dry, then mixed up more 2 part polyurethane paint and sprayed that on.

Popped the top back up and took off the masking.

That's pretty much it for the outside. I still need to clean up the vinyl and repair some spots that are worn through. I'd like to get new vinyl, but that runs close to $700.00 and I'm trying to rebuild this camper on the cheap.

Next week it is back to the inside with finishing up the cabinetry and painting the cabinetry and seat bases. Hopefully when that is finished, I'll have the money to buy some foam and fabric to build all the cushions.

Then a little bit of electrical and it is ready to be mounted to my truck. Can't wait!
What... no offers to purchase it yet. I'm shocked!

It would be pretty cool if in the end you could give us a rough cost of the project and the time involved.
I'm sure you have inspired a few people.
Did you just paint the roof trim black or the whole roof? If the whole roof the inside temperature could be up 20 degrees +/-. You might want to re-think that one. You build is really awesome. Can't wait for the interior pictures.

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