Kick'in the Habit

I'll 'second' all those offering encouragement! Besides, will be less nervous in those brushy areas of the Central Coast or So Cal high country on Fall trips.

Wango's note must have been hard to write. Sincere condolences to him and his family. Rough road in all respects.

So, good job Tuff Guy, keep it up!
Cayuse said:
Quit 17 years ago, shortly after Cayusette was born. Used to go back and forth between chewing and smoking depending on the environment, guiding rivers chewing was pretty well accepted at the time...

Anyways, one of the things that helped was the SilkQuit Meter tracks numner of days and dollars saved.

I used the patch when I was quitting and one day was on my way to a funeral out of town when i realized that I hadn't put a patch on that morning, this was after about a week, never looked back.
Thanks for the link Cayuse. Installed the SilkQuit Meter on my work PC today. This is really going to be a very helpful tool in keeping my motivation of a smoke free life.

So far I've been smoke free 2 weeks, 3 days & 5hrs, have not smoked 344 cigarettes, saved $108.00 and most importantly 1 day and five hours of life. I'll provide updates at critical milestones.

Tuff Guy 62 said:
So far I've been smoke free 2 weeks, 3 days & 5hrs, have not smoked 344 cigarettes, saved $108.00 and most importantly 1 day and five hours of life. I'll provide updates at critical milestones.

This is great news and congrats!

Keep it up, your friends here are all pulling for you!
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Great work Brian keep it up.
What are you going to do with the money you save,not to mention the days added to life.
Thanks for the well wishes Frank.

I'm feeling great. It's one day at a time, but I'm confident that I got it beat for good. Keep reminding myself that I will always be just one cigarette away from being a smoker.

Maybe I'll put the extra dough towards a down payment on an "extra macho" pickup to mount the Panther on.

The extra days of life? I'll be Wandering the West, of course!! :D
Ooh, that's motivation right there. Nice truck. Keep it up, I've yet to meet anyone that regretted quitting smoking.
Good job deciding to quit. Stepmother died in March 2015 because of smoking. She was only 60. Dad still won't quit.

Keep up the fight for you and your loved ones. You can do it!
Well, I just surpassed the one month mark with out a smoke. According to the Silk Quit Meter I have saved $185.00, not smoked about 600 cigarettes and saved two days of time/life not smoking.

My heart felt sympathies to those who have lost loved ones.

Feeling great and thanks to all with your kind words of encouragement.
Tuff Guy 62 said:
Well, I just surpassed the one month mark with out a smoke. According to the Silk Quit Meter I have saved $185.00, not smoked about 600 cigarettes and saved two days of time/life not smoking.

My heart felt sympathies to those who have lost loved ones.

Feeling great and thanks to all with your kind words of encouragement.
Brian that's great news.Keep it up.

I'm now three months smoke free! Feeling fine though I have put on about five pounds. According to my Silk Quit Meter (thanks again, Cayuse) I have not smoked 1720 cigarettes, saved $565.00 and saved almost six days of time that I would have otherwise been smoking. Though I still have an occasional craving, those urges are fleeting and typically pass very quickly. I just remind myself that I will always be just one cigarette away from being a smoker again. This thought shores up my resolve to stick with the program.

Ms. Tuff Chick is really happy with my progress. :love:

We'll update again when I hit 6 months
Six months in the books and a lifetime to go!

Hit the six month mark without a smoke yesterday, I'm feeling great and doing A-OK.

I've saved myself about about $1,200.00 and not smoked over 3,600 cigarettes, yikes!

I'll get back to y'all on my one year anniversary. ;)
Having lost several family members to lung and throat cancer as a result of being heavy smokers I am always happy when someone is able to kick that killer habit.

Congrats to you all and hope for the best of success!
longhorn1 said:
Brian, congrats. Now in addition to living a better life you have some additional funds for more trips. A double win. jd
x2. Glad to hear your report! Keep up the good work.

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