Labor Day 2018 had its interesting parts


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Headed out after work, made it to the free camp site near the Snow park on 88. Packed, had a hard time finding a place to camp. Cold, dog water froze and so did I. Furnace wouldn't light so went with the Wave 3 backup. I've thought off and on about removing it but I'm glad I didn't. Have to run it on low to avoid roasting the dog. Hit the road before it was light in the morning. Stopped in Bridgeport for breakfast. Lady at the auto parts store said it 30 at her place last night. Fortunately it got warmer as the weekend went on. Went on up to my spot along the Dunderberg road.

After setting up camp it was time to take the Jeep up the Kavanagh Ridge road. While I could have gotten the truck up there I'm glad I did it in the Jeep. A couple of UTV's went in ahead of me.

Walked around looking at the lakes and trying to figure out you'd get down there.

Everything looked way too steep for this kid.

Riley has his nose to the ground when I decide its time to head back to the Jeep. No premonition or anything but when I looked up the hill I was being watched.

First couple of photos were blurry since I just fired them off in a hurry but to my surprise he stood there long enough to get a good shot.

He kept a respectable distance as I headed back to the Jeep. On level ground Riley finally spotted it and made a move towards it. Fortunately voice commands worked as his leash was way back in the Jeep. Something told me letting them sniff butts might not be a good idea.

Never saw him again after we headed back in the Jeep. Much larger than the ones I see locally around here.

A subaru had been near my camp and when I reached the little pond down the hill a guy was taking a break there after hiked up with his skis and skied a tiny little patch of snow. I don't know my skis but they looked long. Skiers, must be something in the blood :)

Down the hill I stopped and took of photo of this.

Quite obviously of alien architecture but its on private land so I couldn't explore further.

Later, as I'm cooking my steak a guy in a pickup comes by and asks if I'd been up the road and seen if that structure is still there. Informs me its a Yurt and the guy that put it up was supposed to have removed it by now. Turns out he's the landowner but I didn't get his name. I'm still not sure I buy the Yurt story.

Go on into Virginia Lakes resort for breakfast. Breakfast was so so but I can see why it a popular place to fish.Lots big fish coming out of those lakes. Four pounders are common.

Headed over to Bald Mountain. Made the mistake of looking over Big Springs campground. What a zoo. Took a wrong turn but the Atlas paid off and I finally found a spot to camp near Bald Mountain spring. Should be called no spring as its completely dried up. Little grove of aspens are dead so its been dry a while. Took the Jeep up to the lookout. Unfortunately this is where my camera decided to malfunction and I didn't realize it until later. Not sure why I took one pic with the cell phone.

The lookout is open, fire finder and radio installed so they must be manning it during lightning storms and such. Lots of visitors in UTV's up at the lookout.

I was up fairly early the next morning and after coffee and a biscuit headed on out. Didn't see a soul until I hit 120. I did make the mistake of taking 1S42A on the way out. At times I wasn't sure if I was still on the road or truly off road. Never would have found the traces at night. Glad I had 4wd as the sand got pretty deep in a few spots.

Headed on over to Silver Lake to visit and old friend. They had rigs crammed into every nook and cranny. Seems I got there just in time for a potluck dinner though!
Thats Steve with the batman shirt.

A few other observations.
Only saw two FWC on this trip.
Trail heads were empty on the way up, packed on the way home.
Heenan Lake had so many rigs they overflowed onto the main road. Not as bad on the way back but still busy.
I took the June Lake Loop for the first and last time on the way to Bald Mountain. Beautiful country but insanely overcrowded. I'm sure there must be times of the year when its only slightly overcrowded.
The furnace I did get to fire up the heat of the day with 14.5 volts showing. I tried but failed to get the water heater lit. Pilot light has a very weak flame. I'm hoping maybe I have some bad/marginal propane. I'll go out and test it in bit now that I'm back at nearly sea level. Camera says my battery is not compatible with my camera. Its a nikon genuine battery and has worked for years. I've run it dead before and not received that message. See what it does once I locate my charger.
I also took a trip down Green Creek to see if I could figure out which cabin the guy at the dog park has and I maybe figured it out. The trail head was packed but not quite as much as the one at Virginia Lakes. Backcountry must have been zoo also.
Nice TR. no surprise everything was crowded this weekend. Next weekend will probably be vacant!

How do you like towing your jeep? I'be been toying with the idea of bringing something more off-road capable that is still street legal. Did you install some braking device for the Jeep?

No braking device on the Jeep. Truck tows it like its not even there. Only issue is in a tight turn or deep sand sometimes the tires don't follow and I have to get out and straighten them out. Its nice being street legal. I should have brought the high altitude jet kit but it stayed home. Over 7k she loses some power without it.
Craig on your propane do you have a strong flame on your stove? If not might be time for a new regulator that is what I found on mine.
Looks like you had a great trip. Love the jeep! Riley too! What's the orange thing on the roof??
The flame did seem a little weak. Its the original regulator so it might be time.

Orange things are Maxtrax.

They've come in handy more than once.

I forgot to mention I also had a nice chat on the ham radio with the Bishop Amateur Radio Club guys. Very friendly bunch and with repeaters in the Sierra's and the Whites's pretty much you can almost anywhere in the Valley. Even had a guy on the PCT chime in needing a bit of help working on his SOTA. Summits on the Air
I had him rattlesnake trained, never thought about coyote training :)

Seen a few versions of this. Not sure I was properly prepared to meet a coyote.

craig333 said:
The flame did seem a little weak. Its the original regulator so it might be time.

Orange things are Maxtrax.

They've come in handy more than once.

I forgot to mention I also had a nice chat on the ham radio with the Bishop Amateur Radio Club guys. Very friendly bunch and with repeaters in the Sierra's and the Whites's pretty much you can almost anywhere in the Valley. Even had a guy on the PCT chime in needing a bit of help working on his SOTA. Summits on the Air
Those Maxtrax look like a good thing to have just in case. More gear I didn't know I needed to add to the wish list!!
Thanks for sharing you TR. I've gone to the Alabama Hills over Labor Day weekend and although it's busy, the place is so spread out that it doesn't feel cramped. It's kind of been my "go to" place for Labor Day, plus, there are so many nice trails and places to see along 395 that it makes for a nice weekend.
Interesting trip-despite the people Craig! You are probably lucky Rielly didn't try to head up and investigate that coyote, those critters like to set up ambushes for nice fat civilized doggies. Years ago I was working in a canyon north of Susanville with my dog Wolfer (a former stray and one of those big black nosed white German Shepard mixes) , when I noticed he wasn't with me; and while he was big and smart enough to usually take care of himself, I wasn't worried so I figured to was off chasing a rabbit or something and would be back soon.

Then I just happened to glance up to top of one of the canyon rims and there she was, a nice coyote-just like your picture standing on the rim, and there was my big old dog, running like mad up this old deer trail right to her (figured it were a her 'cause she was not running away-just sort of standing there looking and acting nice and friendly-probably in heat). The first thing I thought was " I bet there are a couple of male coyotes just over the rim planning to make my dog their dinner" Anyway, I started yelling and luck was on our side because he actually stopped (he was not fixed) and turned around and came back down the trail. The coyote followed us down the canyon rim for while then left, but me thinks "Wolfer" was a very lucky dog. Over the years, "Wolfer" had several more run-ins and fights with coyotes, but that one could have ended badly for my pup!

I've heard they can lure dogs in like that. He or she was definitely more interested in Riley than in me.

Wait a minute! Did you just call my dog fat? Well my vet did say he's about three pounds overweight :)
Great that you got out. Too bad about the crowds. Sucks to have too, but makes me feel better about all the driving we do to try avoiding them...

craig333 said:
Furnace wouldn't light so went with the Wave 3 backup.
The furnace I did get to fire up the heat of the day with 14.5 volts showing.
Also had trouble with this ours first night of the long. Figured the old "sail switch stuck" deal because the blower was spinning but igniter not firing. Had voltage but thought to try with the truck running and alternator combined with the the house batts. Sure enough, blower spun faster and furnace lit. Guess the house batts had voltage but were failing and didn't have enough jam to satisfy the furnace. Fortunately, found a auto parts sore open on the holiday Monday - and plastic to the rescue. :D
I'll install the new regulator tomorrow (have the day off) and see what happens. Dusty as it was a hot shower would have been nice.
Installed the new regulator today. Heater fired right up with 13.1 (it'd be 13.6 if the fridge wasn't running) volts.

Still had an issue with the water heater. Disconnected the pilot line and could hear and feel gas coming out. Blew into the housing and I think I dislodged a piece of crud. Reconnected and I was able to light the pilot light.

Did I need a new regulator? Hard to say. I do think the flame on the stove looks better but that could be altitude related also.

I guess I need to go camping and run a real world test. Unfortunately we're still working six days a week so I'll probably really need the heater by the time I get to go.
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