Lagun Table Group Buy

Overland Hadley

Jun 17, 2010
Lake Superior North
I have been talking to John at SV today, he was very apologetic but the cost of the Lagun table bracket has been changed.

Due to the exchange rate between the US and Sweden the cost of the Lagun is now $275.

We were not able to lock in the old price because they have no inventory of the tables, thus they are all at the new cost.

He said the group buy offer of 10% off still stood, but that it had to be at the new price, and he understood that most people would not be interested with the price increase.

We can still do the group buy if enough people are interested.

If there is not enough interest to do the group buy, I will say that somebody here is working on sourcing the tables. Will post info when we know more information.

We can do a group buy through SVHotWire of the Lagun Table bracket from Sweden. We need to get 8 people together, and we will then receive 10% off. SV HotWire has the pedestal table brackets, extra mounting brackets, and a table top of their own design.

If we can get 8 people together, just place your order with SVHotWire before May 15th, and mention "Wander The West" to get 10% off. (Hotwire also does LED and Solar stuff, if you are interested.)

Lagun table on YouTube

Question, OH: Do I go ahead and place an order individually? Or do you see if we have 8+ people first and then that goes in as a group order?
If I place the order individually and say "WTW" do I get the 10% discount later when (IF) there are 8+ WTW orders?
I'm a little confused.

Thanks for clarifying.

BTW: I am interested -- more than interested, I'm almost certain to order this...once I'm sure that I understand the "group buy" process.
- Mark
Sorry, this is my first time setting up a group buy, so I am figuring it out as I go.

We are ordering individually, and we need 8 "WTW" orders by May 15.

If you want to be sure to get the 10% off then you should wait to order. But I assume that if you ordered now (let them know you are with the WTW group) and we get the 8 people you will get a 10% refund.

As it looks now I think we should be able to come up with 8 people easily, I hope.
Thanks -- I understand.
And thanks for setting this up. :)

As I said, I'm 95% sure I'll order, but right now I'm trying to get out of the house and on my trip -- running late, as usual
rolleyes.gif I am too preoccupied to want to order today.

One more question: This is the $203.95 item, right?
One more question: This is the $203.95 item, right?


The extra bracket (for mounting the table in two locations) is $58.95
I am planning on having a mount on the inside of the camper, and a mount on the outside corner.
I ordered one of the table brackets from yesterday.

I just received a call from John, owner of concerning the possible upcoming group buy on this bracket. What a nice guy....he called to let me know that if the group buy goes forward....that he will refund the proper amount.

This is FYI that my purchase does count towards the total needed for the group buy.
It this the same item for $76.00 ??
It this the same item for $76.00 ??

No. That is copied off of the origanol and is made in China. I unerstand that the quality of the one made in China is so poor that people have returned it and then bought the real Lagun.

The origanol is made in Sweden.
I was interested until the price went up to $275! WTW must have created too much demand. OH....did we lock in the $203 price?
I have been talking to John at SV today, he was very apologetic but the cost of the Lagun table bracket has been changed.

Due to the exchange rate between the US and Sweden the cost of the Lagun is now $275.

We were not able to lock in the old price because they have no inventory of the tables, thus they are all at the new cost.

He said the group buy offer of 10% off still stood, but that it had to be at the new price, and he understood that most people would not be interested with the price increase.

We can still do the group buy if enough people are interested.

If there is not enough interest to do the group buy, I will say that somebody here is working on sourcing the tables. Will post info when we know more information.
This is xj_mike from ExPo (cummins_mike on WTW).

Yeah, with the price increase, I am not thinking this is going to be something I can do right at this moment. Especially with all the suspension work I need to do, which will be $$$$.

I think at this point I am out even though this is a very cool system. Sorry guys.
This is xj_mike from ExPo (cummins_mike on WTW).

Yeah, with the price increase, I am not thinking this is going to be something I can do right at this moment. Especially with all the suspension work I need to do, which will be $$$$.

I think at this point I am out even though this is a very cool system. Sorry guys.

No worries, I understand.

Before it was expensive for a table bracket but doable, now it is a pricey item.
If there is not enough interest to do the group buy, I will say that somebody here is working on sourcing the tables. Will post info when we know more information.

Nope. SV HotWire will be the only way to get the Lagun in the US.

It turns out that in order to make more than $10 per Table Frame I'd need to import hundreds of these things and considering the $75 knock off I just don't see that happening.
Nope. SV HotWire will be the only way to get the Lagun in the US.

I'm NOT interested in a Lagun table because my Coyote RV Phoenix Camper came with a swivel bracket table. Essentially the table is mounted to a large bearing, much the same as a "lazy susan". The bearing is attached to an inverted L-shaped pipe and the down portion of the pipe slides into a cabinet mounted bracket. So the table has two pivot points: at the bearing and where the pipe slides into the bracket.

When in use the table swings in front of the passenger side couch. When not in use the table can swing to the back of the camper towards the door or it swings in the other direction toward the driver side cabinet. When travelling I pull the table out of the cabinet mounted bracket and put it on the floor. This is the only negative to the swivel table but given some time I will likely figure out a better way of stowing the table when travelling.

I'm not sure of the cost of the swivel table as it came as part of the RV but I doubt it costs $275. Anyone interested in this design should contact Coyote RV.

The Lagun table bracket arrived and all I can say is it is built like a TANK. Very stout for sure.

One note....this bracket may be fine for folks with a couch....but for those of us with the dinette option....the horizontal portion of the bracket is way too long. I'm taking it to a buddy who is a machinest to get it cut down.

Just FYI if you happen to have the dinette option and want to use the Lagun table bracket.

I think with the shortened horizontal bar it will work just dandy.
Very glad it arrived.
Very glad you like it and that it can be shortened to fit the application.
Even more glad you got in under the wire :D
before that awful price increase ! :oops:
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