Latest Issue of Overland Journal


Old & Soft
Apr 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Postman delivered today, and I just happen to open to page 13 and here's a full page picture of what looks like our own KC's rig splashing through
a bit of water. If that's you KC, keep that up and you'll need a snorkel like mine.
got my first issue today, havent had time to read it yet. I was really leery about ordering it, reading about places I can't go and all, but still.
got my first issue today, havent had time to read it yet. I was really leery about ordering it, reading about places I can't go and all, but still.

Craig, they describe lots of places you can go. Look starting at page 93 for a great plains trip, "On the Trail of Red Cloud" going from Wyoming through S.Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado and ending in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
You don't have to go to Africa or Asia for great journeys.
Postman delivered today, and I just happen to open to page 13 and here's a full page picture of what looks like our own KC's rig splashing through
a bit of water. If that's you KC, keep that up and you'll need a snorkel like mine.

i want to see that.

some years ago i had a '93 s-10 blazer 4WD with a vortec v6. the air intake on that model was at the level of the hood...the filter is located just under the "skin" on the drivers side of the hood...lying flat.
I submerged the vehicle crossing a stream...we were someplace south of stony gorge reservoir. the door seals worked perfectly and the interior stayed dry. the water was just over the top of the front bumper.

within a year the water pump, alternator, anti-lock brake module, some of the dash electronics, and a fuel injector failed.

maybe it was just good old GM quality...
i want to see that.

some years ago i had a '93 s-10 blazer 4WD with a vortec v6. the air intake on that model was at the level of the hood...the filter is located just under the "skin" on the drivers side of the hood...lying flat.
I submerged the vehicle crossing a stream...we were someplace south of stony gorge reservoir. the door seals worked perfectly and the interior stayed dry. the water was just over the top of the front bumper.

within a year the water pump, alternator, anti-lock brake module, some of the dash electronics, and a fuel injector failed.

maybe it was just good old GM quality...

Looking at that picture again, maybe he's blasting through snow and not white water...Let's see if KC owns up to the picture. Sure appeared to be white water at first look though...
I haven't received my latest issue yet, but I have heard about the photo. Sounds like it was from a trip above Leadville, CO awhile back with the publisher, Scott Brady. He apparently snapped a photo of me plowing through a long & deep snowdrift across the trail.

Snorkels in the snow may not be necessary, but they still look cool -

I haven't received my latest issue yet, but I have heard about the photo. Sounds like it was from a trip above Leadville, CO awhile back with the publisher, Scott Brady. He apparently snapped a photo of me plowing through a long & deep snowdrift across the trail.

Snorkels in the snow may not be necessary, but they still look cool -


Yep, that's the place except the pic of your rig is heavily cropped so it
fills most of the page. It's an ad for FWC's, and at first glance
it looked like white water. Even if it's an ad...your rig looks great
blasting through the stuff.

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