Leaking FWC Troubleshooting


Advanced Member
Nov 7, 2011
Oregon City, OR
1986 Keystone. Gets wet spots in the canvas when in closed position.

I was hoping folks would have a general troubleshooting method or order of things to check to get the thing dry. In the winter we just put a tarp over it and it is fine, but that doesn't make it right, and makes it a pain in the summer when we get an occasional rain-storm.

I would probably start by unscrewing each screw on roof one at a time and applying a sealant of your choice inside hole, then retighten screw. I have heard in the past to replace each screw with a screw one size thicker, but the same length of course. I say the sealant of your choice for I’m not sure of which one to use myself. Then also use that sealant to go down the middle seam and all the way around the roof edge all the while looking for any obvious water entry points. It’s up there somewhere.
Wet spots are on the inside or the outside of the canvas when the top is up?

If inside... when the top is up and you're inside, can you feel any wetness in the headliner? That might narrow it down to a certain area. But, it's not a bad idea to re-do all the roof screws, just a lot of work, which could be rewarded by not having to do this for a long time. There are a few threads on which sealant to use, so search and find them.
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