

Senior Member
Jan 21, 2014
The recent thread on "off road tire pressure" demonstrates my appreciation for WTW and it's contributors especially with respect to "learning". I have learned a lot. Learning is not easy especially as I get older but WTW is one of the best places to simply "learn" at any age (even younger folks get rusty at "learning").

Members post questions or statements followed by opinions and disagreements and then facts, though the order varies. I appreciate everyone's opinion because those opinions make me think which results in my forming an opinion (which could be a good or bad event depending on your opinion). Disagreements actually increase my thinking because now there are opposing reasons to consider. The best part is when facts get posted and I can test my newly formed opinion with those facts (which can be in conflict). The entire process can be summarized in one word, "learning".

My posts are not always correct and I always do more research when folks respond with a different point of view. Those who disagree with me are sometimes correct and sometimes not but I always "learn" something as a result. WTW is actually a tame RV forum. Another RV forum had a lengthy and heated battery failure analysis argument which included mathematical principles discussed in graduate school (my opinion was they were both right even though they held completely opposite opinions).

I was reading an article this week about how to keep from loosing your wits with aging and the internet was listed as reducing the chance of loosing your wits by 50%, better than any pill you could buy. WTW is part of that because you can learn a lot.

I hope WTW members appreciate disagreement because it is a part of "learning". Opposite opinions can both be correct because "the devil is in the details".

Thanks for posting. I am reading...thinking...learning (forming another opinion, Oh No!)
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