Lg part of society really has no respect for themselves or others!

Remember the NPS has more people to manage its lands than the other agencies. Now just take all those millions of acres of Public Lands, managed by the USFS,,BLM, USFW S, and the COE that have even less" essential" people to manage and protect our lands. Generally speaking that means a manager or so, and law enforcement and other "emergency" types! I lived through of several these things during my BLM career, and what people don't understand is all those non-government folks that also depend on government for lot's of reasons for work fun and important life issues! I had a friend here in Susanville that was about to take a raft run down the Grand Canyon and had it cancelled as he was about to climb on the raft-some of our political leaders just seem to understand things like that!

During the last one I was a inspector on a couple of multi-million (maybe billion $ ) several state energy (pipeline/transmission lines) projects that had to stop on the spot because they could not be monitored as the $ stopped! I (and others) went out unofficially so that they could close down the things ( then a few weeks later back out to get them started again). Just think of all the ramifications of all those projects closing down all over the US, and not to mention all the other recreational , cultural and wildlife sites and animals being impacted because we could not show the flag out there!

Pretty sad alright. Sad we need to police people so much. I think a lot has to do with how you're raised. My parents left a clean camp and passed that down to me. I'd love to see Tread Lightly taught in grade school.

Reminds me, I need to get some more trash bags.
Why have they not closed the parks like in previous shutdowns? It seems to me that if there is on one there (or at least not enough people there) to look after them, they should be closed.
FYI-rando! Last time was a complete shut down of all government agencies; this time it is a partial shutdown with DOI (park service is in DOI) being one of the several departments/agencies that were not funded! Certain job (see above) positions have to go to work no matter what w/o pay like law enforcement and safety types to protect public property-also last time lot's of people were turned away or locals had no customers at places of bus', etc,.and bitched to their congressman/women and that created pressure on the pres, etc to give in to soon , so me thinks :giggle: that they may have learned a little from that and opened things up, and figured that we would not notice that the campgrounds/restrooms, etc were closed/overflowing (if they even thought that far ahead -because public service is not one of their priorities). [just a thought]!

Good Morning WTW,

The Site Team would like to remind members that we need to stay on topic with our comments. I recognize this is a sensitive and potentially emotional issue, but we need to focus on the original discussion. That is the damage being done to our National Parks and other lands by the public in general. Several posts have strayed into the political aspects of the issue, and as a result have been hidden.

Here's a link to the Site Rules if you would like to review them.

Thanks for your understanding.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Good Morning WTW,

The Site Team would like to remind members that we need to stay on topic with our comments. I recognize this is a sensitive and potentially emotional issue, but we need to focus on the original discussion. That is the damage being done to our National Parks and other lands by the public in general. Several posts have strayed into the political aspects of the issue, and as a result have been hidden.

Here's a link to the Site Rules if you would like to review them.

Thanks for your understanding.
Thank you Steve.

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