Life in the country

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
I’m digging out a leaking frost free hydrant that keeps eating O-rings. Almost 4 feet down, but not much fun digging in an alluvial fan. Some of the rocks are nearly the size of a Hereford’s head.

Dang! You could've called me Steve! I would consider driving out so I could watch you dig and give you advice!
So nice not to need frost free hydrants here. Every time I think about moving, I wonder how well I'd adapt to things like that.
Yes Craig the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
We're great where we live.Wouldn't trade it.
I guess you get so used to your home when you like it
it's hard to think of moving.
Next time you run into a Hereford's head down in a hole, pull it out, season well, wrapped it up in burlap, start a fire in the hole, cover it up and let us know when the dinner is ready. :D

Boy, you guys with grazing rights have it good. :p
Monte, this isn’t the pot-o-gold from the rainbow we saw, but it is buried treasure of a sort… no more digging,


and I have a great crop of rocks on the way. Here’s some of the seed.


Here’s one that’s close to harvest.

Ouch! That brings up memories of working on cattle ranches in BC in the late 70's. Unless you do it often enough to keep those upper body muscles in shape, shoulders pay a heavy price to dig a hole for a riser or a fencepost with a 15-20 lb chisel bar. My condolences, sir. Makes that cold one much appreciated. :)

That yellow-handled implement is what we call a Class A canal wrench. That whole process looks very similar to work.
UPDATE: the new hydrant is installed, works as advertised, and isn’t leaking… yet.

Imma gunna leave it exposed for a day or two before grabbing the yellow-handled Class A canal wrench and filling my excavation... Well, big red the tractor may assist with some of that effort. :)
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