Lost Coast revisited...

Tomas Tierra

May 3, 2007
Hollywood Beach, Alta California
Two weeks off school for the 2nd grader means time to hit the road!

We drove Oxnard to Blow-dega Bay on our first day..3 movies and were there to find 30 knots of wind and a bunch of very exposed campgrounds. After checking Bodega dunes, bodega head, and the harbor camgrounds we headed north on Hwy 1 to find something out of the wind. Ended up about a half hour N. at Wright's Beach.

For $35, and no shower.NOT what we are after..

Split early for Usal Beach and the infamous Usal Road..

Wright's Beach camp:


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The 6 miles in to Usal beach was not bad. Narrow with a few stray bush scratchers. Our weather was outstanding, with a high near 70 that day..I would not want to be on that road during or just after significant rain. Seemed like it would get muddy and slippery quick..

The drive was incredible!The only real semi tuff spot was on the desent down to the campground..Just loose rock is all..

Some Pic's from the first 6 miles into the beach:


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Usal Beach Campground

The campground was empty except for one group camped in the middle of a big Birch grove. We chose a tucked away little spot next to the creek, as close to the beach as we could get..The sound track was great while we were there,Roaring surf, and between sets, a bobbling creek, and of course the odd frog and screaching osprey..

That first night at Usal we heard some splashing in the creek that I thought was a bullfrog. When I got out the spot light I was amazed to see 8-15 lb Salmon ripping up the creek!!! Maybe a dozen or so, lit up like they had batteries in them...cool!

Our camp at Usal Beach:


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We spent two nights at Usal Beach and then headed for Shelter Cove via Usal Rd......Or so we thought.

After leaving the campground and heading NW,we encountered this sign:


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Did we turn around??

Would You?? Hell no! Us either.

But at 5 miles from the sign, with 15 or so still to get to Shelter Cove, we came to this:


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I walked it maybe three hundred yards down hill and it only got worse. VERY wet and slippery. I saw ruts that were 18 inches deep.The thought of getting down it seemed do-able, maybe. the thought of getting back up it if something else in the 15 upcoming miles of unknown turned me around, gave me pucker factor maximum..

Jeff Herr, If you were there with your winch....I would still have turned around.

Another shot of,( from what I came to find out was the first of three), the bad stretch of road :


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Backtracking through Usal beach and back to Hwy 1, we made our way to The Fishermans casa on the way to Shelter Cove. We were greated with slobber and licks from the Newfy "Matty".

Had a cool visit with Jon on a day that we will remember for a long time, the last day of Salmon fishing as a lifestyle.

the dogs and Kids had plenty of room to run. If he gets any more boats that will not be the case!

We were invited for dinner and a stay on his level piece of turf on the lovely Mattole River....Unfortunatley we were dead set on a night at Mattole beach and an off road run down to Windy Point the next day, so declined the generous offer.

The crew, airing it out:


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The Visit with Jon was a great break on a long day of driving.

And by the way, THE TOW MISSILE IS INSANE!!!!!

Jon sent us off with some beautiful local Halibut steaks for dinner at Mattole Beach. Thanks for the fish Amigo!

The tow missile and the 2 year old:


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We camped at Mattole Beach with one other camp.It was a bit breazy and cool but the stars were incredible!

I had only had Pacific halibut frozen prior to this night, and did not really no what to expect..O M G!!! It was heavenly! My wife called it a top 5 piece of fish she has ever had(and the girl eats fish), I couldn't agree more. Almost similar to a Chilean Sea Bass....The kids let us have a few bites..

The camp:


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The next morning we packed up to go check out Windy Point 4-WD road. My Daughters name is Windy, so she was very excited.

The road down was a little treacherous, but not bad. Just a beautiful stretch of wild coast. From here south is the lost coast trail to Shelter Cove. Hike in only



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My Daughter and I hiked the two miles or so down the hill and then down the beach to the Punta Gorda Lighthouse. It has been abandoned since 1951. What a great hike through some great coastal widflowers. Abit of a challlenge for the 8 year old but she was a champ!

The light keepers dwelling (still maintained by the BLM):


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A few shots from Windy Point Road. This part is not locked in the winter.There are a few residences past the Windy Point turn off.

The Spring currents were doing their thing:


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From Mattole, we boogied up to Gold Bluffs Beach on the way to Southern OR. We spent a couple of wonderful night at Gold Bluffs. Hiking up Fern Canyon was a highlite at Gold Bluffs, along with the gigantic Elk grazing in the campground.

But the big surprise at Golds Bluff, was the Surf!!! What a cranking little beach break there! The wife and I both took turns and enjoyed very much the GLASSY CONDITIONS for two days. Free hot showers are also a bonus at Gold Bluffs.

A very Nice campground!!!


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The only other guy that showed up to Surf was The local Ranger, Phil. We shared some great waves and then had a good chat about FWC's. He has an EROD model Ranger on his Ford Ranger.....Phil, are you reading this??

I referenced this site to him, hopefully we will have a new member!

A shot of Phils Rig:


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