Marine Corps Vietnam Era Reunion - Where?

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
I don't think I put this in my profile, but I am an old Vietnam era Jarhead, out of the helicopter community. I try to keep in touch with my fellow Marines via email and occasional telephone calls, but it would be nice to start getting together to reconnect in person. Some of us are gone now, and we're all getting old, so now would be a good time to get things rolling.

As we are all over the map, I was thinking about picking a centrally located area that has group camping, and seeing if we could get a bunch of us together to reconnect. Hence, the question. Where would be a good place to do something like that? I was thinking that maybe somewhere in the Black Hills might be one potential location, but would appreciate your feedback and recommendation on other possible sites.


Hi Steve, I'm also an old Vietnam vet, but Air Force. I flew with the 56th Air Commando Wing out of NKP. As such, I belong
to the Air Commando Association. We have yearly reunions and I've been to a few. It's great to reconnect with guys you haven't
seen in 30 ~ 40 years. Isn't there some Marine Helo Association you could look into? You might look around and see if there's
already a group holding reunions. Might make it easier to get your buddies all together. Thanks for your service !


Yes, there is a Marine Helo group. It's Pop-a-Smoke ( They have a reunion every other year. It's a great group of people, but some of us are looking for a smaller venue. The 2014 reunion is in San Diego. Any city that I can avoid is a good city.

Thanks for your service as well.

Hi Steve - Are you thinking of putting together a reunion at a camp spot? If so, would it be limited to USMC helicopter folks? I would imagine that there are quite a few WTW members who were on active duty in the different branches of the service during that time period. Perhaps you could put together a Vietnam era veterans/pop up camper rally. Just a thought. BTW, I was in HMM-362, and later HMM-263; how about you? - Richard
Richard, I was thinking about some of my buddies doing a camp out, just because it's been so long since we've seen one another. Well over 40 years.

That said, it might be a hoot to get any WTW Marines (regardless of MOS) together for something similar. Your thoughts?

I was in VMO 2 & VMO 6 for my overseas tours. Taught Reserves at Seattle, Whidbey Island and New Orleans. I had a couple of years in Phrogs before I got out to go back to school. I suspect we have common acquaintances. What was your MOS? I was avionics, but did a lot of QA work, too.

Semper Fi!

Hi Steve - I would be up for some type of WTW/Viet Vet get together, but that is probably straying from your original goal of finding a place for you and you friends to meet; Sorry if I took things in the wrong direction. Your idea of the Black Hills is a good one. I guess the choice would be dictated in part by where all of your friends will be coming from, and how central the reunion area is to all involved.

My MOS was Safety and Survival Equipment (parachute rigger if in fixed wing). I was in from 66 to 70, what was your timeframe?
Richard, I was in from 67 through 77 on active duty. A bit more with reserve time. Did you ever run into Jim McAllister, Tony Berry, Joe Vallery. All SSE guys.

I suspect that there is room for all, or perhaps two events. To be truthful, I am not sure how many of my gang would be up for the idea. I am just starting to think about it, but would like to have a central place to get together, so that east coast folks don't have to travel forever.
U.S. Army, 71-74. I'm not sure if I like jarheads all that much, but I appreciate the work you did. I might even be convinced to share a drink or two with you.
Welcome home.
Steve and Wink - Merry Christmas to you and your families.
Steve: Don't think I know those fellows, but my brain gets foggier and foggier as I age.
Wink: Used to live in Riverside. Enjoyed your trip report to Patton's training area. Perhaps we will have a beer or two one day.
Best to both of you. = Richard
Semper Fi brothers.
I wasn't serving during Vietnam, my parents were but not with our Corps. There is a great facebook page about Tustin/El Toro where you might be able to unite with some of your fellow Marines.
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