MaxTrax? High Lift?

Yikes! Kids were camping here for a while.... With plenty of food and water it is just a matter of doing something every day to not get bored. Could you reach the end of the internet is two weeks??
I could last quite a while on my food supplies though what I'd do when I ran out of beer I'm not quite sure :)

I've waited it out before though only for a short time. Let the snow freeze and drive right out. Its not a bad idea to get a good meal and sleep on it too. You may have a better plan when you're well rested the next day.
ski3pin said:
Why all the fuss? Be patient. Wait it out. Drive out on your own.
Exactly the advice I was given when asking about mud and snow on the roads going into Toroweep in Feb many years ago. "Don't fight a stuck, wait for the evening. It will freeze and you can drive right out!"
Nice camper. Heck they’ve even got a washing machine what’s the rush!?
I would like to know what that AC unit was and how was he running it “nonstop “?
craig333 said:
I could last quite a while on my food supplies though what I'd do when I ran out of beer I'm not quite sure :)

I've waited it out before though only for a short time. Let the snow freeze and drive right out. Its not a bad idea to get a good meal and sleep on it too. You may have a better plan when you're well rested the next day.

You should be worried about food as Riley could be looking at you funny if he gets hungry. ;)
Wandering Sagebrush said:
I believe that is the plan and solution.
Yep-things usually look better in the morning. As one who has been stuck many times over the years, the number one thing to do is not panic, especially with all the gear they have, heck -as long as you have food and water (and beer) and you at not in immediate danger , just sit back and do what do today's military say "embrace the suck" and see what happens next :rolleyes: ! As to Riley my bet is on the dog!

Good luck Craig...
dog far side.JPG

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