Memorial Plans?


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Looks like I'll have three days so thinking I'll head down 395, put the kayak in at twin lakes (hopefully its open) then head down to the alabama hills. Maybe even a peek at the white mountains if conditions are favorable.
Hope for good weather so we can finish cleaning up around the house. We usually stay home on the holiday weekends and travel at less crowded times.
I will be heading UP the 395 and wandering around the sierras too, with gas being $ 4.00 a gallon I don't know how far up I will go this trip.
Buttermilk country above bishop is probably where I will most likely end up. I love it up there, i need to post some of my pics from my March trip. We got snowed in up there in the camper, but it was awesome.
We usually stay home on the holiday weekends and travel at less crowded times.

Us too. Traffic is always a nightmare.
You know our plans. Up I-5 from Santa Cruz to Florence Or. on Saturday for 2 -3 nights. Then, south on 101 down to Lost Coast, Mattole road, and Usal road, and some wicked good surf in between, I hope.
Us too. Traffic is always a nightmare.

One of the better perks of being retired. I try to plan my camping away from weekends, especially holiday weekends. And of course it is Memorial Day so I want to remember those who aren't with us.
Rider, plan on a little more for gas, ours just dropped to $4.40 from $4.50.

We found this website helpful in figuring out our fuel stops on our recent trip to the Arizona Strip:

only bright side for us is that the most expensive gas is usually here at home when we travel.

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