Memorial weekend?


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Got a very late start and went up the Silver Fork Road. As expected it was a zoo, campers everywhere. Went a bit further up the Packsaddle Pass Road and had it all to myself. Too much snow to continue on to Strawberry but I found a nice spot just below the snow line.

A little wine with the barbecued ribs.

The next day I made it to Bridgeport uneventfully, stocked up a few items and had a burger before heading towards Mono Lake. Thats when I found the idiots. All stacked up on that stretch of 395. I really liked the guy who passed me doing 75 uphill but rode his brakes all the way down the other side of Conway summit. Hung a left on 20 and only a couple people that way. Found a nice spot to camp with a view of the lake.

Managed to get Riley some exercise.

Visited Virginia Lakes. What a zoo that was. Couldn't even park long enough to get a pic. Lots of people with their backpacking stoves cooking breakfast next to their cars. A few wives pointing to my camper "honey, why don't we have one of those" well at least thats what it looked like :)
Saw about a half dozen FWC but no ATCs (well at least I think, it was hard to tell for sure and not drive off the road).

Spent some time on Monitor Pass. I had the dog out running alongside the truck, noticed two people up on the hill and a black dog running towards them. Dangit Riley, I thought for a moment until I noticed he was still by the truck. They had a do that looked just like him. Interesting how some roads up there were clear and dry and others still snowed under. The usual idiots on 50 going home made me wish I'd gone over Carson pass and back home that way. Longer but less stressful. Good to get out even it was a holiday weekend.
Yes, the hordes where out this weekend. Left San Diego last Tuesday to explore Humboldt Toyiabe NF north of Tonopah. SKI3PIN's postings inspired me to check this area out and I was not disappointed.

I spent 3 days in the area and plan to return in September to hike Arc Dome and the Jeffersons.
I saw more critters than people.
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Last night I headed south towards home via Owens Valley and thought I could find a quiet spot in the Alabama Hills....mistake! Madnesss.....

Camped on the east side on BLM land off of Death Valley Road. Peace and quiet.

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Wandering Sagebrush said:
For us it was a family day. I wanted to go up to the Oregon Vietnam Memorial, but it makes me too sad to think about my friends and fellow Marines who didn't come back. Instead I left remembrances on the virtual wall. I'm getting old and maudlin.
Steve I went into the link and searched the MIA I have a bracelet for.
James E. Plowman. He actually was found about 10 years ago,but I still wear the bracelet
Also one of the sad times in our country's history.
Frank, between people I grew up with, and my fellow Marines I come up to around 30+ folks who gave their lives for our country. As I said, I'm getting old and maudlin.
My dad served in Korea, thankfully not at the Chosin Reservoir. I wonder if thats why he like to play songs like
for us.Its only recently he's started to talk about it.
craig333 said:
My dad served in Korea, thankfully not at the Chosin Reservoir. I wonder if thats why he like to play songs like .... for us.Its only recently he's started to talk about it.
My dad was in the Marines and was at Chosin Reservoir. No stories were ever told to us....
We took a trip to French Meadow Reservoir. We went in on Mosquito Ridge Rd from Highway 80 early on Friday morning and got a spot on the water. We couldn't do the dispersed thing because my brother was meeting up later in the day so we needed to be able to identify a location by something other than GPS coordinates from the In Reach. And, I was testing out my home-build kayak trailer and wanted to avoid dirt for the maiden voyage.

It was nice. Online the campground still showed to be closed. I called and they told me it was open, but no water or bathrooms. Actually, the vault toilets were open. We did some kayaking and fishing (not catching). By the time we left on Sunday, there were a lot more people, but the place still was not full. Note, we left on Sunday to avoid the hoards. I am so ready to move out of the Bay Area. Reno here I come.


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Sledawg said:
SKI3PIN's postings inspired me to check this area out and I was not disappointed.

I spent 3 days in the area and plan to return in September to hike Arc Dome and the Jeffersons.
Now this one gave us a chuckle. thanks Sledawg!

Your photo #1 and #3, we were up there yesterday and last night. :)

Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend after turning off the pavement, we saw 3 vehicles. Sunday, from a very high vantage point looking down into two broad valleys, we saw 2 very distant vehicles leaving dust plumes........................ah, solitude. :)
Craig, too bad you didn't venture a bit higher up Silver Fork Road, a friend with an FWC was up there all weekend with a team of mules and buddies, volunteer work bucking out all the logs down on the Caples Creek area trails.
pvstoy said:
My dad was in the Marines and was at Chosin Reservoir. No stories were ever told to us....
I just saw a documentary on the marines at Chosin Reservoir. I can understand why they didn't want to relive that.
Yeah, my Dad served in WW-2, Korea, and Viet nam. He like so many of the "Greatest Generation", would not talk about the theaters he was in. I found out later after bugging him a lot, he was at the Battle of Midway, the invasion of Okinawa, and Occupation f
Forces of Japan. Also was on the USS Rochester, the Flag of the 7th fleet, when the Chinese shot down our prop plane over the Quemoi incident. Then when Gary Powers was shot down, he was on full alert for some time. In Vietnam, he served on the USS Thetis Bay, an amphibious assault carrier, with over 3000 marines aboard. as you must guess, all three of his sons are also vets, and NAVY all the way! LOL!

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