Mind the Gap


Advanced Member
Mar 17, 2008
I've been having fun with my new 2000 Grandby for about a month now and have most things worked out. One thing that is bugging me and does create a fair bit of noticable drag when crusing at highway speeds is the large gap between the truck cab and the cabover section of the camper. A couple of options I've looked at include a Thule/Yakima fairing or possibly some type of custom made aluminum box with integral fairing mounted directly to the camper. I like the second option as it provides some storage but I'm a bit concened that it may look strange. I would have prefered a Yakima/Thule type roof mounted basket with fairing but there is not enough room for that. Anyway, just looking for some suggestions/ideas on this. I've searched around and seen the eve gutter fairing and the PVC pipe tubes put into this space but I'm hoping to find a solution that provides a bit more storage and looks a bit more factory manufactured.


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Into the Gap

We have a Yakima fairing installed, and as as best we can tell, it helps on the gas mileage by about 5% at high speeds.

About a year ago, we chatted with another FWC'er who had built a complete aluminum canopy to enclose the space and eliminate drag. He felt he had improve gas mileage by at least 5%. Unfortunately, it had torn away in heavy wind, so he was in the process of building a better, stronger one. It was after this that we installed the Yakima fairing, and for the effort and expense involved, the Yakima seems the better deal.

We too looked at the gap and wondered how to take advantage of the space. In good weather, we like to sit outside to work and eat, so we carry a couple of captains chairs up top and at the moment, a light weight plastic folding table is tied to the Yakima bar and just sits on the top of the pickup cab, protected by a blanket. But the plan is to attach a piece of 1/4' marine plywood to the Yakima bar and use a bungee strap between the back ends of the plywood and across the roof of the camper to keep stuff off of the top of the cab


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I am in the process making a V out of 4 inch box white fence plastic. I made a fishing poll holder at the back if the bed above the window and will be attaching the V below the bed. A 98" piece cut to a 45 degree angle in the center will work perfect. It starts at the front of the bed and goes all the way back to my poll holder. Should make a perfect wind bow. If you look in my picture or in my old posts you should see the fishing poll holder. It will also be able to take 4 section fishing polls too. The post is about 20 bucks and the t-nuts plus a little hardware is about 20 more. Will post pictures when finished. Here is the link to the poll holder and you can see the size of the material.

I came across your post after I put this one up and I am currently trying find sale pricing for the same components on-line but I think that would work great and look pretty sharp at the same time. I should have enough room (7") for the towers to fit under the overhang and sitting the basket flush with the bars be able to access stuff from the side.

I'll post pics with whatever route I end up going......and suggestions are still welcome.


Yeah, you got plenty of room. If you can, put the basket between the bars. I tried to put them under the bar, but they don't allow that kind of mounting. On the sides, the basket allows you to actually lower it between the bars....nice to get it as low as possible.

I tried to put a shovel and ax mount in there, but the shovel won't fit between the camper and truck!!! You might be able to do it. I just used quick fists to attach at the back of the rack. You could buy a locking mount, but I thought overkill.

Also, the fairing is a bit anemic. Yakima's old one was better. If I can get it redesigned, would love for it to be bigger to get the wind over the top. A project for another day.

Oh yea, I think i neede 5.5 inches to get those towers under. Only had 5.....

Good luck.

I ordered up some Q towers, locks, and a fairing this morning from backcountry.com who is having a Yakima sale. Now I just need to find a good deal on the rest of the components from companies willing to ship to Canada (Canadian Yakima prices are way out of wack with the current exchange rate).

Thanks for idea Dave!:thumb:

I think there are Yakima sales this weekend here in Seattle. Don't know how far north you are, but there are other options......

Thanks for the heads up Dave! I'm about 2 tanks of gas away from Seattle so that won't be too economical for me. Turns out I just ordered the remainder of the parts I needed less the BasketCase from a bike shop in Missouri. Sure love the internet for finding the best deals around. Might have to purchase the BasketCase locally as the size of it results in rediculous shipping costs.

I'll post some pics once I recieve everything and get it installed.
Nelson is not that far. Nice area. Kootnay is quite nice. I have some friends who live in the way north, Ft St. John up near Yukon. Now, that is far.

I will probably be up in your neck of the woods sometime this summer or early fall. Maybe we can arrange a meet-up to check out campers.

Love that area. Not a lot of crowds, lots of places to go.

Good luck on the rack stuff.


No, Nelson is not that far but with current gas prices, I don't travel far unless it's for extended periods of time. If your coming up to the area, drop me a PM before you do and we can hook up.....and yes, this is a beautiful part of the world with plenty of places to go without tripping all over each other.

Thanks again for the help.

Hey ACom

what kind of truck did the guy have that you bought
the camper from ?

looking at that gap, it looks like the camper was probably
built a little taller for a Ford F250 or Ford F350

a wind faring might really help cut down on some of that wind

let me know if you need some sample pics of different wind faring ideas

there are quite a few topics on the forums about fairings too

The guy I bought it from was the second owner and he had it on a 1989 F150 2WD. Not sure what the original owner had it on. I have it on a 2" riser to clear the bed rails which only increases the gap.

I'm going to try the Yakima fairing with a basket between the bars and use the space as storage. Great place to stuff in a belly boat and wet gear, tarps, etc.
Well I finally got the Yakima gear installed and am pretty happy with how it turned out. Would have been nice of the fairing was a bit bigger but it seems to be working. Noticibly less wind resistance and noise at highway speeds and no bugs on the camper after my last outing so it must be working. Never had the camper long enough without to see what the mpg gain will be but I assume I should get at least 1 mpg out of it. The rack has only been used for damp wet suits so far but I'm sure it will come in handy. Anyway, here's a few pics of the rack and fairing.


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Nice....You have the extended bed? I don't, so do have more room up front. I tried to put the forward tower as far forward as possible, but that curvature does limit placement.

I find that wet things and a lot of camp chairs fit nicely up there. Don't forget a net to keep it all in place. I also keep water and fuel up there when off the highways.

Davinski in seattle.
Chnlisle - ya, too bad that chimney and roof don't get the attention the FWC/truck gets.

Dave - Extended bed.....yes. I was able to locate everything as per the Yakima specs. It does interfere with my sun roof a bit but I can still use it as long as there is no weight in the rack. I purchased the Yakima net with the rack....what's another $20 when your spending the $$$ that Yakima and Thule charge.

TT - not wave surfing as I live a good days drive from the ocean but kiteboarding. Wet suits are mandatory in our glacier fed lakes pretty much all year. Tried surfing a few times in Baja and that is a hard sport but would take it up if I lived closer to a wave spot.

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