Monument Valley


Senior Member
Jun 7, 2006
Lander, Wyoming
Getting caught up on some previous trips. This one should be on everyone's "to-do list."

Over the long Labor Day weekend, I hooked up with a good friend from Arizona and we did some exploring in southern Utah. The goal was to visit Monument Valley, Valley of the Gods and Natural Bridges National Monument. These 3 areas are all in close proximity in southeast Utah and made for a great adventure.

We set up camp in the desolate Goosenecks State Park overlooking the San Juan River. With incredible scenic vistas and nary a tree in sight, Goosenecks SP is a great place to homebase while in the area. The weather in late August - early September, is excellent. Shorts during the days, long sleeves in the evenings. You have to bring in your own firewood and ice cream as we couldn't find either nearby during our time there.

First a proper introduction to my travelling companions. Mark D. Stephens is an extremely talented writer, photographer and beer drinker. He is also one of the funniest people I've ever met. The perfect trail comrade. He brought his wife Brooke and their highly modified 2005 Nissan Frontier. Mark has equipped his truck with an Ezi-Awn roof top tent, hot shower system, trail armor, Engel fridge, 2M radio and whole bunch of other goodies. His journeys primarily take him into Mexico and the Sonoran Desert but Utah hooked him and I'm sure he'll be back soon.

We declined the $200 guide fee in Monument Valley and did the tour ourselves. MV is easy to get around and the scenery is unreal. Several views are familiar to those who have watched old Hollywood westerns. Late in the day we were assaulted by high winds that whipped up a ferocious sandstorm. Monument Valley was worth the long drive to the middle of nowhere.

The general area -

The vehicles -

Getting there -

We're there -
.....more pics from Monument Valley -

The Totem Poles -

Finding our way - *photo by Mark D. Stephens

Backcountry trail in MV - *photo by Mark D. Stephens

The Mittens -
....and the rest from Monument Valley -

Wind & Sand storm -

Wind & Sand storm - *photo by Mark D. Stephens

Stunning contrasts -

Sunset in Monument Valley -
We found Goosenecks State Park by accident. Our original plan was to camp in Valley of the Gods. We turned into Goosenecks SP just for a peak, but it was immediately apparent that this is where we should camp. Warm, breezy, quiet and scenic. Perfect. We picked a spot on a high cliff overlooking the river.

Sunrise at Goosenecks SP -

Scenic overlook of the San Juan River -

Camping on the edge -

A great morning at Goosenecks SP -
Natural Bridges National Monument is a nice, small park. Easy to get to, easy to get around. It features 3 natural bridges for viewing from a scenic high point or you can hike to the bottom. We chose to hike to the bottom of Kachina Bridge for some photos and to see the petroglyphs. The visitors center had some excellent exhibits explaing how a natural bridge forms over thousands of years.

From Goosenecks SP, we first had to ascend the Mokee Dugway. The road climbs (or descends) over 1,000 feet in 2 miles with a 10% grade. Tight switchbacks and gravel make for a challenging but fun drive. Certainly nothing I would want to do in a large RV.

The beloved Mokee Dugway sign at the top of the road -

Under the Kachina Bridge -

At the base of Kachina Bridge -

Kachina Bridge -
Absolutely fantastic!!! We love Mokee Dugway but pam has to have a hood to do the climb. Have you done the float trip from Bluff to Mexican Hat? The one day trip is really worth doing?
Following our trip to Natural Bridges, we wrapped our trip with a visit to Valley of the Gods. Similar to Monument Valley, VOG is a 17 mile dirt rough track through red mesas and ancient rock spirals. I don't know what it was, but the feeling I had driving through here, climbing over the rocks and peeking into the canyons was magical, almost spiritual. Here I felt on sacred ground. The Navajos know what they're talking about.

Following Mark in -

The Pinnacles -

The Heart of southeastern Utah -

Can you spot the Four Wheel Camper? -
....the last set from an amazing trip. Hope to go back someday....

Marcello the Bull Skull -

Last look, Monument Valley -

Mark's impressive Nissan Frontier -

The adventurers - *photo by Mark D. Stephens
......are you kidding!!

My goodness KCO, that is insane!! Were there filters used in any of the photography???

This report gives me more reasons to get out and about in our great country! Baja is officially on the back burner (for now)..
remote is'nt great!

KCO love it,every time i see all the great pictures and don't see all the crowds,we start planning another trip! keep the great trips and pictures coming,we can't get enough of them! drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
KCO, Great pictures! It's on my list of places to go. What time of the year do you think is the best time to visit?
KC, as always, great pics and thanks for posting! looks like and unbelievable tour!

Man, those are nice pics. I can just imagine it now. Have not been there in a few years.....especiallly since moving to seattle....might have to make a trip down this fall.......

I'm glad you guys are enjoying these. Thanks for the comments and compliments. We had a great time. I should have gotten this posted sooner, it was one of the best trips of the year.

We love Mokee Dugway but pam has to have a hood to do the climb. Have you done the float trip from Bluff to Mexican Hat? The one day trip is really worth doing?
I haven't done a float trip in that area. I would love to though.

The only good thing about being the passenger on the Mokee Dugway is being able to see more. Too dangerous for the driver to take their eyes off the road. It's a great little roller coaster ride.

Were there filters used in any of the photography???

Baja is officially on the back burner (for now)..

No filters for me. Some lucky shots, some were blown out. I wish I'd taken more in the sandstorm, those turned out cool. But I only took two pics to keep my camera out of the wind. Mark shot film and I don't believe he used any filters. I shot digitial mostly and just a couple with my 35mm.

This is a great example of how the grass is always greener on the other side. I've been fortunate enough to make several trips to Utah in the last few years but I've never been to Baja or Mexico. I love Utah, but now I just really want to sink my feet in the sand with beer in hand, on some quiet, remote Mexican beach...

What time of the year do you think is the best time to visit?
I like it a little cooler than some so I'll say September or October. I wouldn't want to be around in the summer months, too hot. March-April can still see the random spring snowstorm.

Mark made a good comment about not wanting to be in camp at Goosenecks SP during mid-day even in September. No trees = no shade. But it sure was nice at night with all the windows open, laid back listening to the nothing.
With photos like that your making Utah a very popular place! Hope you don't come to my neck of the woods. Otherwise there will never be a place to camp. It would be filled with people looking for the photos you've taken. I am planning a Utah trip in April. Mainly because of the fantastic photos you have taken. Can't wait to see the area in person! Thanks...
I don't know what it was, but the feeling I had driving through here, climbing over the rocks and peeking into the canyons was magical, almost spiritual. Here I felt on sacred ground. The Navajos know what they're talking about.

Giddieup:D Couldn't agree more.

KCO- You really need to stop posting these pic of my favorite places. I really don't want to share.
The're mine, ok? ;)
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