Mt Baker ski area Washington

snow hunter

Senior Member
Sep 3, 2008
Hi folks,
I went up to the ski area for some turns and a overnight campout.
It was sunny during the day with temps in the high 30's and about 15 at night.The slopes have not seen alot of snow in about a month but they have good coverage and most rocks our still covered.There our alot of people out hiking for turns and our still riding out of bounds in search of last weeks 5" of snow. I decided on some fast but soft grommer runs and some jumps in bounds on my snowboard.Most of the time I ride fresh pow so this was a little varitey and fun as well.

Back at the camper I had a interesting night.

I parked in a spot with a great views of MT Shuksan.I decided to try the homebrew insulation pack and run the wave heater.It kept the place at about 50 and that was a good sleeping temperature.
A few friends stopped by when they were done with there powder hikes and said they found some great turns but besides them and a few other emtpty cars I had the place to myself that night.
so I thought.

Well I parked a little to close to the snow cat shop where they run a motor all night .so I decided to move around the corner up against a snow bank that could muffle the sound .It worked no more noise.In my move I decided to throw the board up on the roof in the popped up position and just like I said find another camp spot.

so this was in the dark at about 7.I am at the new spot and my dog starts to hear something so she runs off and is playing with some other guys dog and him.I call for her and she comes running.We head into the warm camper and I start making dinner and drinking some Ipa.
After about an hour I let the dog out and check out the stars which were amazing.I notice at this time my board is not on the roof:eek: .I had thought in the back of my mind what if it falls off when loading it up there but I didn't think the move around the corner at parking lot speed had enough force to bounce my board.I guessed wrong.
so I make a b line to my last spot.This parking lot had two rigs without people and I might be less then 30 seconds away from were my new spot is.

There was nothing to be found.My board had vanished.

Then I started to think about the dude with the dog .where did he go?
Well he's gone now and he might have my board.:confused:

So daylight hits and I am still board less. I didn't sleep much but was at least warm. no time for breakfest that was my favorite board of all time and they stopped making them.Truly bumming.:mad:

I talk to some workers from the mountain and they have me fill out a report.All I can do now is have hope and start looking for my new board.Oh well at least I have a new board to go shopping for now.

Well here our some photos of my short and tramatic trip.:(

p.s will update if I get my board back.This is the last photo I have of my 167 solomon fast back.

Snow Hunter over and out.


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Sorry to hear about your board :( Overall do you think the FWC was adequate for camping in those temps?
It has happened to me, too

Dear Snow Hunter--

Although I don't snowboard, this sort of thing has happened to me, too.

Sucks, but let's not let it happen to us again. We'll stow and lock our gear from now on, eh?

P.S.: I got a lost wallet back once, with cash, so don't quit hoping.
Bummmer...that hurts.

Was your heater on high or low keeping it at 50? Had you snow camped before without the insulation for comparison? Just curious.
Thanks for the words bro's.Lesson learned .I hope.:eek:

I would say that as far as winter camping with my fwc it works for me but I am used to no heat and being cold, so this thing is toasty.When the temp inside gets in the 50s thats good for me when it is around 15 outside.

I had the wave heater on high fulltime and the stock heater on at first for about 30 minutes.
It seemed like it would take awhile with just the wave.It was also not getting warmer then 50 on high with just the wave itself,which is perfect for me for sleeping.
The wave has a bunch of coils that get really hot and will light what ever it touches on watch out for that with your dog or you.
The stock one gets the place warmer faster with higher temps.It also blows hot air so this makes it good for drying your gear. It does however make noise and uses your amps.I like having them both, it feels like a good balance.

I have done a bunch of other trips without the homebrew insulation kit in the snow and this time having it really helped.This was my test outting with it.When I woke up it felt warmer and there was not as much ice and moisture on the canvas.The walls our not cold when you touch them either.The trade off is I had to store that stuff in my rocket box and it took up alot of room.I still had room for my board when I had it though and few other things.


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50 is better than 15 any day. :D That insulation looks like it would work well. Thanks for the info.
Bummer on the Board

Sorry to hear about your board. :(:( Had a similar incident happen to me when I was living in Steamboat, had two pairs of my favorite boards, "OLIN Mk IV's and a pair of Pre1200SP's " stolen from outside of my old Westie while I was taking a snooze.:eek: Still, those were some great years. Wow, when I think about it that was over 25 yrs ago. Where does the time go ??

Bummer on the board man. This lack of "new" snow is pissing me off. I missed the first wave of snow (out of town & then sick) and it all went to crap after that. I'm not too motivated to go ride groomers and have been holding out for a good snow dump, however I'm starting to wonder if I missed the boat this year. Boards are still in the attic with the heavy storage wax coating from last spring... :( Odd change of pace from patrolling the previous years and being on the slopes every weekend (whether I wanted to be there or not), getting a lot more done in life and less stressed out but slope time is obviously down (if there was good snow it'd be a different story though).

What is the deal on camping up there? Do you just go all the way to the upper parking lot and park up there? Any specific area's you're supposed to park/not park to avoid potential plowing? If we get some late season dump action I'm hoping to head up there.
Come to California. Tons of new snow. More coming this weekend.

Actually I was eying up flights down earlier in the week. :eek: But that would come out of the budget I'm using to get the camper in order so I'll likely hold back for now. :(
What is the deal on camping up there? Do you just go all the way to the upper parking lot and park up there? Any specific area's you're supposed to park/not park to avoid potential plowing? If we get some late season dump action I'm hoping to head up there.[/QUOTE]

I think the top lot is open for overnight parking .However I have parked there in a snow dump on a weekend and they start plowing the parking lot at like 4am sometimes.So park out on the sides of the lot.They usually don't plow the lot on a weekday because that lodge is closed then.They do start grooming at 5am so there is noise regardless of new snow.Also a generator that runs all the time at there shop.

I have eyed the parking lot for cross country skiers down below the area and that would be a nice spot away from machines in the morning time.It is the parking lot on the left after the hannagan pass rd and before the hill climb.
Just be carefull you don't get plowed in on a powder day.

we our really due for some snow storms.I hope we get some march madness.Last year was steller for that.

I keep hearing the storms keep missing us and going south so a road trip might happen to cali..
I just checked the weather report and it looks like snow will start on sunday and last threw out the week.
Now I need to get my new set up rolling.
I sure hope it doesn't snow all week again. The next storm is supposed to be Sunday thru Monday and then at least couple days break if not more. We need the snow but clearing the driveway, stairs, and decks every day gets old after a week straight.
epic week of riding

It just dumped 35" in 3 days of amazing snow.Great riding powder and hiking conditions with the last 2 days being cold with sun and bluebird skies.
Hope the snow keeps coming .I sure did miss it.

I am using a old board set up that I had and it is working for me in bounds but I sure miss my old one.nothing rode like it.
Tommorow I hope to take my splitboard out and climb some mountains near the area for some steep and deep untracked magic.:D


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It just dumped 35" in 3 days of amazing snow.Great riding powder and hiking conditions with the last 2 days being cold with sun and bluebird skies.
Hope the snow keeps coming .I sure did miss it.

Crazy the snow reports didn't mention that much. The wife's back got out of whack the last couple days otherwise we'd be hitting up there or perhaps Steven's. Crave a few for me.
Enroute tomorrow

Camper is loaded up and we'll be rolling for Baker after work, hoping to get up there for about 7ish. Dinner and then crash out for an easy wake up to catch the 9am chairs. I don't think I'm going to miss the early morning rises to drive up in the mornings... :thumb:
I have been getting some great days in as of late.Today there was 10" of new snow when I got there and it snowed all morning till the sun came out in the afternoon.
It looks like it will be sunny for friday and then the snow level goes down to 500 ft. for sat and sunday.It is a very good time to visit the area .make sure you bring a good shovel for all the snow on the roof.:thumb:
I have been getting some great days in as of late.Today there was 10" of new snow when I got there and it snowed all morning till the sun came out in the afternoon.
It looks like it will be sunny for friday and then the snow level goes down to 500 ft. for sat and sunday.It is a very good time to visit the area .make sure you bring a good shovel for all the snow on the roof.:thumb:

Actually VERY good reminder, I cleaned out my old truck but haven't put everything into my new truck yet and that includes my shovel! :eek:
Well we camped up there Friday night and it allowed us a good shake down of things in cold weather to see where we stood and what needed improvement. The temps were likely in the teens to low 20's and the wind was hammering the camper at night (I work up a few times worried about things but the top/sides weren't showing any signs to be concerned about which was nice). The door seals definately need work and there was a steady draft and the driving winds accumulated snow between the door and screen door. We ran the heat from 7-10pm (with one light on too) with it around 60deg and then shut it down till around 5am-9am when I set it for 40deg. It was cycling every 10min at the higher temp and then every 20-30 at the lower temp. With all that my battery bank started at 13.06v and was 12.86v when we got home so I didn't hammer them much.

I'm going to do some obvious work on the door seals and some other drafts (turn buckle covers). Planning to work some insulation around the propane tank when I redo the counter top. Been reading on all the home build attic pack threads as well. In the long run I'd like to beef up the insulation and get a smaller catalytic heater to run to supplement the main furnace to allow extended camp times.

Think lining the outside wood portion of the camper that is in truck bed with either foam board or that reflexive would be a good idea or would there be a good change of accumulating moisture between the two and rotting the camper out?

There should be a Special Place in H---

Great images. sorry aboyt your Board Dude. I'm the same way about Fishing tackle but armed.
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