Must Have Option

Does any one look at the review mirror through the window and than through the door to back up.I know all TC have the window there ,must be for a reason.

Absolutely. I use the through-the-camper rear-view all the time. I could get by with side mirrors only...if I had to, but they can't see things close-up behind my rig, especially things narrower than the truck, so it would be an inferior option for me.
I guess I have been spoiled in the last few years,between the rear view camera ,the bumper sensors and lane assist :) Tom>tom Navigation :) and all the other computer gadgets

A leisurely Sunday drive

"Spoke .any thing on the sensors :)
" Tom .Find a way out of here :)
"Engineering ,more power to those engines ;)

I can see now that it as been pointed out, that for some ,the pass through window is useful.I goggled it and the usefulness of the window is actually debated on other forums as well.
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