My NEW Post-Processing Hardware: "Build 2017"


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
I'm about to replace my desktop computer, my beloved home-built "Build 2012" with a new home-built desktop computer: "Build 2017".
Catchy name, eh -- I should have been in marketing.

I was enticed by the new Intel i7 8700K processor, just released last month. My current Build 2012 still feels like a hot rod, but I figured that 5½ years and 5 generations of processors is enough of a wait that it's not too extravagant to get up to current state of the art. And I'm calling this a Christmas present to myself. :)

Even though the new processor is a lot more powerful than my old i7-3820, it runs on less power, so cooler.
And even though my current OS-&-programs drive is an SSD, the new SSD is faster/better -- both internally and its interface.
Build 2017 will actually have less RAM than 2012 -- 16GB instead of 32GB. But unless I get into video editing 16GB is enough for me. And this is a faster generation of RAM than I had in 2012. (I had 32GB in 2012 only because there was a super-sale on RAM) And there are slots to add two more 8GB sticks if I decide to...maybe a birthday present to myself -- in January. ;)

For the rest of the build I'll be cannibalizing my current desktop: case, video card, data-storage hard-drives -- 5TB worth (the new SSD is only for the OS and programs), CPU cooler, power supply, etc. Some of these components were new in 2015 when I did a minor "refresh" of Build 2012, and they're all still more than adequate for my needs.

Shouldn't take more than a day to do this build..but I want to make sure I'm all ready so I'm not without my desktop for long. Gotta clone the contents of my current SSD to the new SSD, etc.

This will be my 4th generation of home-built computers -- nerdy fun! :p

The new components (clickable thumbnails):
Processor-1.JPG Processor-2.JPG


SSD "hard drive"

Happy Christmas to you Mark
I don’t know a lot about that stuff, but I do believe that after 5 years the CPU industry’s changes are dramatic!

Russ, Syma said hi.
The older I get the fewer brain nerve synapse I have I took a bite of the Apple because it is easy and a no brainer.

I used to build gaming desktops with components from the BEST list in MaximumPC, until I realized all these young guys have infinitely more fast twitch muscle in their thumbs and fingers than an "old geezer" so I dropped out of the gaming scene.

Regardless, looks like "2017" will be a very nice build!
i just built something very similar, with the same m.2 SSD drive, and some hand me down parts from my super gamer son in law

Asus Extreme Rampage V MB, i7-5930K 3.5Ghz, 32 GB 2400Mhz RAM and NVidia GTX970 vid card. MUCH faster than my old rig.

Nice to have kids who live on the gaming extreme!
When I built my first computer, maybe 10 years ago (?), I did it so that I could get exactly what I wanted and not more or less. Computer manufacturers, even though they seem to give lots of options, tend to bundle stuff. Like, if you select the most-powerful processor they tend to then include the biggest baddest gamer-level video card -- adding hundreds of $$ for something I don't want; I'm not a gamer.
It's like buying a new car that has options for a few "trim packages": if you want a sun roof it's bundled in a trim package with leather seats and sport wheels, whether you want those or not.
In that first build I estimated that I saved 20% in cost over the closest I could come with what Dell offered.

For/before later builds I haven't tried to make comparison$ to commercial desktop systems. I've started with educating myself about the latest (more-or-less) processors/CPUs and then looking at motherboards with a matching chipset and latest matching RAM, etc. (shopping on Newegg -- THE place for computer enthusiast shopping, with real reviews of stuff by (mostly) folks who know what they're talking about) Since I don't play computer games, I've been satisfied with good but not WOW video cards. I don't need the video processing power to calculate and render highest-frame-rate game video -- just static images and "regular" pre-recorded HD video.

I wouldn't do this if I didn't enjoy the process -- like I said before: nerdy fun. :D
My Laptop says "Etch-A-Sketch" on the top. I souped it up a bit last year by putting new knobs on it! Happy Thanksgiving all, Bigfoot Dave
ski3pin said:
The very best reason, MarkBC! :)
Roger that, Mr. 3pin! :)

UNRELATED: I just noticed that linked pics on my 2015 post weren't working...and then I noticed that none of the linked pics on my old posts, trip reports, were working. :( :eek:

I discovered that the problem was due to moving all my personal "stuff" to a new web host, just this month. And the new host is Linux-based, for which URL path is case-sensitive (old host was Windows-based). One of my folders name began with a capital letter -- which made the URL different (to Linux) than all the URLs to link pics I'd used on WTW. So I changed the folder name to lower-case -- an easy fix -- and all is well.
Now THAT is really nerdy! :p
ski3pin said:
Not only nerdy, it was fine detective work! :)
Thanks! It was especially challenging because the folder name was Images...and if you're not wearing your reading glasses that looks very similar to images. :rolleyes:
Been building my own for a long time now. Don't even have to be a nerd to do it. I built a new pc a year ago. Its my backup and as long as this one keeps going it just keeps trying to find the cure for cancer.
Good plan to upgrade the board, storage and RAM, while the rest of the machine is still relatively current. Cheaper than starting all over from square 1 and the components you upgraded are the parts that have seen the biggest performance gains in the past few years (unless you game).

Having worked at an Apple reseller for 5 years I had an opportunity that most people wouldn't have. A 8 month old iMac with an i7 processor was traded in with 2+ years of AppleCare remaining on it, because the mechanical hard drive had failed. The unit was under warranty, so the hard drive and labor were covered. When the mechanical hard drive arrived I had our senior technician install a Samsung EVO SSD instead. The labor was free because Apple paid for the labor and I kept the brand new 1GB Hitachi mechanical drive and put it in an external enclosed for use as a backup drive.

I'm a huge Apple fan and I personally enjoy the elegance of an iMac. That being said I keep an open mind. PC's have a place (just not in my home). I sold PCs for 5 years as well.
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