Need to Upgrade Batteries to Accomodate a FWC?

rock and roll

Advanced Member
Jun 16, 2010
San Francisco
I've searched the forum a bit and can't find an answer probably because it's a basic question: How are the lights, fan, plugs, and refrigerator powered in an FWC? Is it at all tied into your starter battery/alternator or independent?

I'm planning a trip where a dead starter battery is a deal breaker. I'm wondering if I need to install a dual deep-cycle set-up, but am thinking it might be redundant with the FWC system.

Thanks for humoring me gentlemen. This forum is a wealth of knowledge.
The camper should have it's own battery (or two) that can be charged from the vehicle when it is running but "isolated" so that your camper use can't drain the vehicle and leave you stranded. As many others, I have installed some solar to boost my boondocking capabilities. Another option with its' own plusses and minuses is to carry a generator. I have done that on occasion along with a stronger AC charger that in combination with an inverter can bring the batteries back to strength. The generator/charger combo can also be an emergency backup if somehow your vehicle batteries did get discharged. Many small generators have a 12v output as well as AC but it is very low amps and would take a longer time to bring a battery or two back from a discharged state. Electricity is a bit of voodoo to me so I am sure others can give you a more accurate and technical description of how isolator, etc. work.
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