New Boat

Great to get out with you MBC - Fortunately you were not around to document my inadvertent capsizing at the boat ramp even though you did manage to capture my less then flattering posterior as we were leaving the lunch beach.... :rolleyes:
CraggyMan said:
Great to get out with you MBC - Fortunately you were not around to document my inadvertent capsizing at the boat ramp even though you did manage to capture my less then flattering posterior as we were leaving the lunch beach.... :rolleyes:
Wow -- sorry I missed that boat ramp fun! But I assume you had a big audience of strangers... Did they get to see you do a roll to right your boat?
Yep fun times - let's do it again soon. :)
MarkBC said:
When I moved to Bend in 1978 the city's official population was about 15,000. Recently it was estimated to be almost 100,000. So, nice places get crowded. They can't update the city-limit population signs fast enough to keep up. :cautious:
Boy isn’t that the truth!
Looks like a very nice float none the less. Thanks for sharing.

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