New Eagle ordered


Senior Member
Feb 3, 2011
Bellingham, WA
Sometimes it takes awhile to do the right thing even if it was your first choice initially. This morning I ordered a new 2011 FWC Eagle for our 1999 Tacoma 4x4 extended cab. Delivery is in 3.5 months. Can we wait that long? Gonna have to but it will be worth it. After looking at some ways to creatively finance this purchase, we decided to just do it.

In February, after researching various camper for several months, we decided on either a FWC Eagle or ATC Bobcat. We discarded 3 other manufacturers of aluminum-framed pop up truck campers because of weight. We finally decided on the Eagle becasue of the one piece roof and curved door. After looking at the final price, we looked for a used camper but there are very few available in Washington state. We did look at an 80s Fleet model that was in poor shape about 20 miles away. The vinyl was in rough shape, the stove and fridge were rusty and it had lots of wear and he still wanted $1200.

I want to thank Stan and Steve at FWC for answering all my questions and being patient with someone who has never owned a camper. And, to this Forum for additional answers about what to order and confirming that this is the right choice.

Our camper will have a few bells bells and whistles: 3 way fridge/furnace/solar panel/auxiliary battery/electric water pump/screen door/Fantastik fan/mechanical jacks/swing-away brackets/roof lift assist and porta potti. We chose blue for fabric color and are going with the aluminum and dinette seating.

As photographers, this will be one of the best pieces of equipment to enable us to be on location for those early morning and late evening shots. No more driving in the dark for miles from a motel.

I know gas is escalating in price but that is something we have no control over. Savings in motel rooms and back and forth driving will offset this. No regrets, life is what you make it. There is a big beautiful world to explore and time's a wastin'.

Our website
... are going with the aluminum and dinette seating.

What is "aluminum and dinette seating"? Or is that "aluminum, and dinette seating"? What option is aluminum?
Congrats. I remember sleeping in the back of truck freezing my *ss off thinking, just one more month and I'll be nice and comfy :rolleyes: That was a long month.

You photograph anything or areas in particular?
You photograph anything or areas in particular?

from the website......

pretty much covers it

Oops, aluminum siding rather than the fiberglas which is not yet an option. Sorry. But, you knew what I meant even though I was as clear as the mud puddles that have been in our driveway since October.

We are hoping to be settled into our camper before the Mt. Baker Blues Festival at the end of July as we are the house photographers (all access). Having the camper there will make my life so much easier by providing a safer place for the gear, being able to download photos to the Mac, charge batteries and possibly put some images up on the web if we can get wifi. Plus, we can sleep on a nice bed instead of in a tent on the ground (not so young anymore). We may get to shoot the Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland but the camper will probably not be ready in time.

Photos? Cort covered it. Just about anything except weddings/portraits as that is too much work and hassle. Although, I help out a friend at times doing candids at weddings which is fun because there is not the pressure that the official shooter has.

I think this will be one of the most fun purchases we have ever made. And, practical. At first, we plan to explore Washington, Oregon and Idaho which will take a lifetime at least but with our new camper we can wander all over without worrying too much about reservations. Well, some, but not like motels.

We can't wait but mid-July will be here soon and then the real fun begins.
Congrats on your purchase. One other pro on your purchase as a photographer, having a nice mug of good hot coffee as you wait for the morning light!
@ LT Traveler: when do you get your new camper? When I ordered mine on the phone (4/4) but before deposit check/signed contracts were sent, Steve told me 3.5 months. I don't know if that is 3.5 months from the time I called or when they received contract.

One of teh better things about getting older is that time seems to pass quickly.

Currently looking for a good campground directory/guide to Pacific NW/the West/Washington. Wifi won't always be available. Also, more research on boondocking.

Let us know when you get your new camper.
Sometimes it takes awhile to do the right thing even if it was your first choice initially. This morning I ordered a new 2011 FWC Eagle for our 1999 Tacoma 4x4 extended cab. Delivery is in 3.5 months. Can we wait that long? Gonna have to but it will be worth it. After looking at some ways to creatively finance this purchase, we decided to just do it.

In February, after researching various camper for several months, we decided on either a FWC Eagle or ATC Bobcat. We discarded 3 other manufacturers of aluminum-framed pop up truck campers because of weight. We finally decided on the Eagle becasue of the one piece roof and curved door. After looking at the final price, we looked for a used camper but there are very few available in Washington state. We did look at an 80s Fleet model that was in poor shape about 20 miles away. The vinyl was in rough shape, the stove and fridge were rusty and it had lots of wear and he still wanted $1200.

I want to thank Stan and Steve at FWC for answering all my questions and being patient with someone who has never owned a camper. And, to this Forum for additional answers about what to order and confirming that this is the right choice.

Our camper will have a few bells bells and whistles: 3 way fridge/furnace/solar panel/auxiliary battery/electric water pump/screen door/Fantastik fan/mechanical jacks/swing-away brackets/roof lift assist and porta potti. We chose blue for fabric color and are going with the aluminum and dinette seating.

As photographers, this will be one of the best pieces of equipment to enable us to be on location for those early morning and late evening shots. No more driving in the dark for miles from a motel.

I know gas is escalating in price but that is something we have no control over. Savings in motel rooms and back and forth driving will offset this. No regrets, life is what you make it. There is a big beautiful world to explore and time's a wastin'.

Our website
The wait is worth it. A few years ago I bought an Eagle, only mine was bare. I've since then added cabinets to it. My grandson and I drove my Ranger down to California to pick the camper up. One night we were camping in a tent and the next night in my new camper, not far from the 4WD plant along I-5. We then headed back North to Everett, WA along 101 through the RedWoods and along the NW pacific coast. I'm also Photographer and have enjoyed my photo gathering camping trips since then, stopping when I see something and staying till I get my photo with out worrying where I will sleep that night.
I guess my only complaint would be having to eat an early or late dinner after dark because I don't want to waste the 5-8 pm magic lighting hour. Maybe some day we will cross paths during those magic hours at the same site. Unfortunately this year we haven't had to many of those days up here in the NW during the past eight months, but we can at lest stay dry and warm in the camper now.
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