new guy with an eagle


Advanced Member
Jan 9, 2009
Hi folks I have read every post as far back as the forom goes. I am excited to have found a used eagle to install on my 2003 Ford Ranger Edge. I live in a motorhome full time and use the 4 wheeler for short trips and adventures. When in CA we can park in the condo parking lot at the daughter's And we can explore the sights at the big cities or the bigger desert. We have owned the four wheeler for 2 months and have spent 2 1/2 weeks in it so far.

Happy to be able to talk with other users.


Welcome aboard, will look forward to hearing and seeing (pictures are required) reports on your adventures. All the best.
Planned mods

I am going to put some air bags on. I didn't think I needed them but a quick lane change almost rolled me. The wife made some nice replacement curtains. I am also installing a isolator for the battery. The solar panel does a good job but when I have multiple nights running the furnace the battery takes a beating. Also Led lights.
Good Plan Jr.

I see you're only 98 posts away from the coveted "Pig Ticket" we'll be looking forward to hearing a lot more from you in the near future.
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