New member, new FWC


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
I'm Glen and my wife Debbie and I picked up our new Grandby about a month ago.
I picked throught numerous threads and found the info we needed to make our choices.

We find the quality of construction to be excellent and a lot of attention to small details is evident.

The camper is mounted on a F-350 SuperDuty and I think the truck rides better with it installed than unloaded. Fuel consumption did not really rise much although I do drive a bit slower now and just enjoy the ride.

Our first night out was at Calaveras Big Trees SP. Some snow on the ground but we were not worried as we had our FWC.

We fired of the appliances without a hitch, The crushed ice we placed in the precooled freezer still had frost crystals in the bag!

Our biggest surprise was how much grey water we ended up with. That was an eye opener for both of us and we think a lot more about conservation now.

Overnight temps dropped considerably and discouraged us from lighting a fire so we curled up in the camper and listened to some music till bedtime.

The excellent furnace kept us comfortable all night and in the morning we enjoyed a modest breakfast on the stove while things warmed up outside.

Breaking camp was a breeze. No tents to fold or bags to pack. We just opened up the rig to allow the condensation to evaporate and dropped the top. Outta there...

Overall the camper was exactly what we wanted and a lot more than I expected.

I plan to install audio and communications systems along with a modest solar system over the summer and fall to round out the package.

Hats off to the FWC crew and the members of this forum.
See you on the road

Glen and Debbie

Wonderful rig....Santa it will have no problems pulling your reindeer.....welcome to the forum......
Welcome aboard Glen & Deb. You'll find more and more to love about your FWC. Wait until you arrive in camp in a driving rain storm. No more waiting it out in the truck or trying to set up the tents and climbing into them drenched. Its big enough to be comfy with a little bit of camping luxury and small enough to make you want to be out side and enjoy the real reason we camp.

Sweet rig, I have a 98 pickup and an 07 FWC, I wonder if I'm a good boy will Santa bring me a new truck this year! What do you say Santa!
Big Trees State Park. Where I first got drunk, on a school trip.

Nice rig. Welcome to the forums.
Good lookin' rig Santa! Welcome to the forum. I like my Grandby too. Be sure to post pics of your trips and any mods you make to the FWC.
Mr. & Mrs. Santa,

Welcome to the forum and FWC family. The new Grandby is lookin' good, you're just going to love it the more you use it, especially the heater as you've already experienced. Keep us posted.
Hello Santa

Enjoyed your description very much. I have a house in Arnold just 10 minutes from Big Trees and can appreciate your enjoyment. I am in wait mode to get my camper, but can appreciate your enjoyment.
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