New Name for Groovy Dad's Blog


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2014
Reno, NV
Every time I gave out my old blog address (aimlesswanderingsofacuriousman) to anyone it was such a long name that it just became confusing and frustrating, so I decided to change it to a shorter one.

The other day, I changed it to the much simpler Aimless Roamer, but being the Blog Newbie that I am, I didn't fully realize the chaos it would cause. At one point, I couldn't even find my own blog online.

I went back through my old posts and tried to update everything, but I'm not sure if I did it all correctly.

So, from now on, I'll only post under the blog name:
I've updated also. It may seem like chaos for a bit, but that will soon pass. A deep breath, a quiet walk outside, and things will fall into place. I enjoy your blog and your perspective regardless of its web address. Keep posting!
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