New Outrage!

I can camp away from generators. As a dog owner I can't imagine why people let them bark continuously. Bark a few moments at something is being a dog.
I agree about noise. I'm not very fond of generators or loud music or barking dogs or yelling kids either, but: The issue in this case was less the noise than that this wretched thing was circling about 20 feet above the campsites. I equate that with someone walking through my site repeatedly. Intrusive and rude.

I really like the paintball idea.
My camping is split between all by myself no one around at all, and in town camping for races. I don't get too worried about what other people are doing. When I am fishing I see guys running RC boats but have never had one interfer with me.
Many yrs ago we had a RV that ran its generator not kidding from about noon till 8pm several people at 6pm during dinner went over and asked the guy to shut it down. They all were told to take a hike. The next morning at 6am we organized a sun rise base ball game we had about 30 kids and almost as many parents all up at sun rise and home plate was right infront of said RV. We all had a great time some of the kids can really hit!!! Others not so much which case the RV was a great back drop for missed lobbed balls. The RV owner comes out in his boxers completely confused mush have checked his watch like 6 times. Didn't say a word went back inside came back out 5 minutes later dressed packed up his crap and left. All of us walked out with him waving and telling him to have a nice day.

I've never seen that sort of thing before usually its some drunk angry person who ends up getting into it with the RV owner thinking everyone likes to listen to a lawn mower running all day and all night is OK.
very interesting topic. i enjoyed reading every ones thoughts, some made me laugh out loud with that "visual thoughts" thing.

for me, i admire and like playing with new technology. new technological devises are not the problem as most every one has pointed out. its people that are the issue. laws, yeah more laws will come out. really though, what are laws? they are just instructions to let people without common sense try to get through life. the laws then allow others with common sense (our taught common sense) to penalize them when they have those, "i was not thinking" moments.

it will be interesting to see what develops with the controlled (or lack of) use of the drone, unmanned flying gadgets or whatever you want to call them. thanks for a great read this morning on all of your views.
N'kwala said:
Spent three mostly nice days camped at Doran Park near Bodega Bay this week, but met up with something that I sure hope isn't the shape of things to come. Yesterday afternoon two idiots spent about a half hour playing with a drone and GoPro, zooming over the bay, the Head, and the campsites. Damned thing was noisy and intrusive and I don't think much of the privacy issues implied. I'm told this has become a popular pastime in nature areas.

I found myself wishing I had my shotgun. I think I could drop a drone--it came pretty close...don't know what the legal issues would be. Actually I think it's probably illegal to discharge firearms in a county park. Oh well.

Anybody else run across this?
I've had a few in the neighborhood flying at night in the dark of all things! In a past life I flew RC planes and have very little patience for people who buy these things and think they can just fly them anywhere they want. The RC plane guys knew that wasn't the case and also we needed some skill these new drones can be flown from a front porch and a panic button can be pressed to bring it home. No operator talent required.

A good friend had one flown over his back yard several times last summer. He asked several neighbors no one knew where the heck it was flying from. His next door neighbor brought it down with a sling shot. A parent two blocks over came knocking the door asking if they would return his kids Drone. Turns out he was flying it over a few different houses with "Swimming pools" and was FPV first person flying it via video goggles and camera set up on the drone. He was checking out the neighborhood girls in back yard pools.

The neighbors had a nice little talk with the parent and last word is the drone is grounded till otherwise notified. LOL
On a new note. I stopped by my old RC field last weekend hadn't been by that place in 7yrs. None of the old guys were there but a bunch of new guys were there. There were 4 racing drones flying by video feed around a staked course. Sort of a modern version of the Star Wars scene where the space bike things are racing through the forest. I must say it was very entertaining and pretty impressive. The drones were small 4 blade units and were running the course at about 35-40mph anywhere between a foot to 15 ft off the ground. The staked course covered about a 3 acre area running through trees and around pole markers.

It was wild to watch and even more impressive watching one of the video feeds. The Technology is just mind blowing GPS data video data and vehicle status data just amazing. Sure makes the days of flying gas engine balsa RC planes around pylon poles look really basic and archaic. HA Last time I did that I was freshman in College with an old beat up pits model I had. I was clocked at 90mph the clean P51 with gear up were doing 100-150mph but I could catch em on the turns HA
CALIcamperdad said:
A good friend had one flown over his back yard several times last summer. He asked several neighbors no one knew where the heck it was flying from. His next door neighbor brought it down with a sling shot. A parent two blocks over came knocking the door asking if they would return his kids Drone. Turns out he was flying it over a few different houses with "Swimming pools" and was FPV first person flying it via video goggles and camera set up on the drone. He was checking out the neighborhood girls in back yard pools.

The neighbors had a nice little talk with the parent and last word is the drone is grounded till otherwise notified. LOL
Dang it! Another thing I didn't know I needed. :unsure:
I liked the proposal that someone in France had for dealing with mysterious night drone flights over forbidden locations. Use a bigger drone with a net hanging under it, snag the mystery/obnoxious drone & take it out.

I do like the moxie of that Colorado community. Under 1000' & within community limits? There's a bounty on it, shoot it down. Shotguns only though.
i guess if noise from drones bother you you better not spend any time at saline hot springs
as our air force jocks pass over often and the noise is a real treat :D .
but the noise is worth it for the show!

just my thoughts yours may very.

lqhikers said:
i guess if noise from drones bother you you better not spend any time at saline hot springs
as our air force jocks pass over often and the noise is a real treat :D .
but the noise is worth it for the show!

just my thoughts yours may very.

Those are Navy jets flown by Naval Aviators and not Air Force weenies in the Saline Valley
Don't you guys need to pack for a trip or something? All this anti-drone drivel--shoot it out of the sky!--is making me feel unwelcome.

It went thataway...
sorry craig333,noise is noise. and i thought noise was part of the bother! also our cat really hates the noise :sneaky:

jha6av8r, i never noticed the branch are they marked naval? still a neat air show!

bigfoot,leaving monday its fishing season lone pine/bishop area.

lqhikers said:
sorry craig333,noise is noise. and i thought noise was part of the bother! also our cat really hates the noise :sneaky:

jha6av8r, i never noticed the branch are they marked naval? still a neat air show!

bigfoot,leaving monday its fishing season lone pine/bishop area.

They're almost all Navy, F/A-18 Hornets out of NAS Lemoore and sometimes China Lake. Flown through that valley myself in the A-6E Intruder.
For me it isn't the noise. It's the "go-pro" hanging underneath it. I expect some noise any time I go where I expect to find people.
A year ago in the evening and early morning at Mono Lake, we we're bothered by drones. I was photographing the lake and was enjoying the quiet. Here comes a guy, during the evening, with a roller case. Oh, I thought, must be e fellow photographer. Nope, he took out a drone. Meanwhile, there was a peregrine falcon carrying twigs to probably build a nest. I asked him to quit flying it above and around me and did he know he was probably harassinf the birds? Oh, ma'am, I would never do that. Okay, then, I said, why the heck don't you move on. You are very annoying. He stood his ground then left.

The next morning he was back up the road but still flying it. A fellow photographer said if he had his gun, he would shoot it down.

Later, I went to the Mono Lake visitor center to talk to the Rangers. I was asked by one of them (enforcement?) to fill out a form stating exactly what happened and why I was upset. He said testimony was being solicited about drones. This was before the NPS ruling.

They have a place but not in a park or reserve. Or, hovering over my head.
Yep Espesso, generators are the worst and when I post my trip report here soon, they play a major part in my tr. About barking dogs, me I've been lucky, both my last two dogs-an Austrialian Shep mix and "bob" my present border collie mix were/are not barkers, unless that is there was a reason, and the bark was usually preceded by a low geeeer, before the rarely heard bark cames out! Combine two barking winner dogs with two generators that ran from 0530 or so until bedtime at 10 or so, and I lost a couple of days on the coast-did I mention that they stayed inside most of the time-so why come to a prim beach and stay inside, back to the back country again!


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