New video on YouTube for the Fleet Model

Hello John

At this point I don't think there is anything I can do.


But, I can see both sides of things.

At most any camper dealer, the dealer is probably not going to want to order in a custom camper for a customer if they might get stuck with it. Meaning the camper comes in, the customer decides he doesn't want it for some reason, and then the dealer is out a bunch of money and sitting on a camper he might or might not be able to sell anytime soon. From what I understand, Mike didn't have the camper you wanted in stock, so he took your order for the camper you wanted. I'm guessing he wanted to get most or full payment before the camper arrived so he would not be stuck with it if you changed your mind.

I can also see your side of things too.

Unfortunately I don't know what conversations you guys had at the time of order, what you talked about, what you wrote up and signed, and what you both were expecting and agreed upon.

Here is an example ...

Lets say I decide I want to buy a new Toyota Tacoma truck here in Sacramento.
I go down to my local Toyota dealer and figure out what they in stock for new trucks and then I decide what truck I want, what options I want, what color I want, etc.
The dealer does not have the model I want in stock, but they can order it for me.
Great I say, lets go ahead and order it from the Toyota factory.
I do the deal and order the truck.
Later that day I'm having buyer remorse and I'm not sure I really want the truck after all (for what ever reason).
I call the local dealer I bought the truck from and I don't get the answer I was hoping for.
Ok, i'm mad.

Am I going to call the Toyota Plant and ask for a refund of my deposit ?
I might try it.
But I don't think they will be able to do much.
If they will even talk with me at all, they will probably refer me back to the local dealership in my area to work it out, since that is where the sale took place.

Again, I wish I could do something, but in the end it will fall back to you and Mike working something out.

We can build you the camper at last years pricing.

Mike is even willing to discount his shipping rates to help make things better.

If you need any other information or would like to discuss further, please call Tom Hanagan (the owner of FWC).

I try to work most things out on the forums and help in any way I can, but now i'm at a loss.

I hope you and Mike can work something out, but we are getting beyond anything I can help with.

The next step would be to call Tom or Mike.

I know it might not be the answer you are hoping to hear, but it is all I have to offer at the moment.

Thank you.



Per the email from the dealer to me dated June 3, 2010 "Order has been canceled."
I have no intention of abandoning my $2,500 deposit, 50% or otherwise, as it was the seller who changed the terms of purchase.
I find it unusual that I got no positive response from ither the manufacturer, or the dealer, for the past 14 months. That sure makes for happy customers doesn't it. I will be happy to abandon upon the return of my deposit in


Hi John, Stan, and Mike. (and all of WTW)

My name is John and I joined to research popup campers. I don't have the means right now to purchase a decked out unit so I'm reading up on the shell concept. And got sucked up in this drama. What a strange place for my first post.

This appears to be a contract dispute. I have seen no evidence to make any judgements but John has moved to the court of public appeal. Doesn't really work in contract disputes. Awesome in politics though... If you feel you really have a case then hit small claims and let the bench decide. That's what it is there for.

John, I have the teeshirt. $2500 is no small sum but less than 1/100 my mistake. (I know, that doesn't help the sting.) You mentioned above that you did not want to make that mistake again. You probably won't. Welcome to the "read the fine print over and over" club.

All intros aside, this is why I really responded:

Ask Mike if you can assign your contract. If you can then you are the only man on the east coast that can sell a brand new FWC at last years price with 1/2 freight. All you will have to do then is find someone that wants a great deal on a camper. (assign so the exchange is taxed only once, to the eventual real owner) This is a possible win/win proposition.

Don't get your hopes up though. I am a CEO/President/owner/janitor/chief architect/mail clerk of a small company (since 1995) that is not even closely related to the camper business, but if you were working with me I would let you keep the lose/win stance you have taken. (Diplomacy: the art of letting you have my way...)

It's interesting to see when and where we appeal to public opinion. I always get mixed feelings about these kind of threads. (new here but been around the medium for awhile) I say let them live. I learn from it all.

So, for me, back to figuring out just what is fit for my purpose. (oh, ice fishing mobility and weekend walleye tournaments pulling the boat. Mostly by myself occasionally with one passenger.) (99 F250)(and free if at all possible :))
My name is John and I joined to research popup campers.

Hi John. Welcome to WTW!

What a great first post. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Hopefully you will continue to share with us.

I am also in the process of buying and building out a FWC shell. (Build thread linked in sig line.) Let me know if you have any questions that I could help with.
I am sorry to hear this drama going on between John, Mike, Stan, FWC, Tom, Dick and Harry, Mickey Mouse, etc. BUT... why is this drama in a thread about a new video on YouTube for a Fleet Model camper?

Come on, Stan was nice enough to post up a link to a video that might help people see what this model is like, if they don't have a chance to see one in person. Comment about the video but let's try to start a new thread if you want to bring up a problem with a past order.

Just my 2 cents worth.
- If nothing else it is way off topic.

My post at #6.

Seems to have been ignored. Probably because if it had been in its own thread then it would have just been ignored.

(And this whole thing has a copy on the other forum.)
I did indeed sign a purchase agreement for a Fleet Shell Model camper with two options. A removable front window, and a screen door. I signed this agreement on May 25th, year 2010. One year later, May 25 year 2011, I still do not have a camper and the dealer and / or FWC still have possession of my $2,500 deposit. Will the dealer and / or FWC step up and do the right thing for their customer? I doubt it. I was told by the dealer on June 7, 2010, that "something would be worked out, and he would let me know" I was told by the owner via email on March 28, year 2011 "I am in the midst of reviewing this situation. I will reply to your queries when I have adequate time to review the given information." To date, I have not heard from ither. One of my efforts from this point forward, will be to poiint out the mistakes I made and educate you, the camping public, so you can avoid finding yourself in my situation. Thanks for reading.

Maybe I'm missing something but i don't see where you have detailed what the exact dispute was or what the reason was for the loss of the deposit/cancelled order. Is the full story out there somewhere?
My apology, a new thread is probably the right place for all the details, but I did sign an agreement to purchase a Fleet Shell Model camper, and the dealer still does have my $2,500 deposit. I want to comply with all the forum rules, and am just interested in helping others avoid the same mistakes I made, and the possibility of anyone else duplicating them. If a moderator (maybe Dirty Dog ?) says a thread with all the information is ok to post, I will be happy to do so. I do have a lot of camping experience, although not much off road, so perhaps I can help someone on occasion. Thanks
My apology, a new thread is probably the right place for all the details, but I did sign an agreement to purchase a Fleet Shell Model camper, and the dealer still does have my $2,500 deposit. I want to comply with all the forum rules, and am just interested in helping others avoid the same mistakes I made, and the possibility of anyone else duplicating them. If a moderator (maybe Dirty Dog ?) says a thread with all the information is ok to post, I will be happy to do so. I do have a lot of camping experience, although not much off road, so perhaps I can help someone on occasion. Thanks

I'd rather see the whole story in a separate thread then half the story in someone elses thread so yeah go ahead and post it.
John, not sure if your getting my VM, But we are waiting for you to come finalize your order in person, we will apply your deposit, and preserve last years price on the model of camper, I am even willing to charge only Half of the current freight fee for you. We are here to help and want happy customers. It is your choice, buy the camper you want, or abandon the order peacefully

No response from the buyer to take advantage of the discount offer, This good faith offer will expire on Aug 3rd at 12 noon EST and considered abandoned.
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