Nick on the Rocks

Well, Sir Sage Tromper, you got me for 2 hours watching Nick. Definitely down the proverbial rabbit hole. Not complaining, but wasn't what I had intended to do this evening. Just couldn't step away.

Never encountered a geologist that is such a pied piper.

Finally, pressed pause but will likely return sometime Saturday. Can't stop now.

Would be great to catch him in person sometime.

It is really cold in the Willamette Valley tonight.
Hope you & yours are doing well, this winter.

Probably needs to be a WTW gathering this year somewhere.

Paul, thanks for the new title! I wonder if I am the first knighted Sage Tromper… yup it’s cold in NE Oregon. A -6° here at Fort Sagebrush, but we’re doing well. I’m glad you’re enjoying Nick, and yes, a gathering would be in order.

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