It's that time again!

Sage that headline photo says it all.
It will be necessary for all to stay in place until the playa is completely dry to prevent further damage? That sounds reasonable to me. Wonder how many days or weeks it will take? Next week we'll see parachute food and water drops? The non serviced porta-potties will be a serious issue. Will we see changes to their special use permit for the event? A burn to remember. :)
Well, let's think about that, Ski: Two of the Burning Man Project's "10 Principles" are Radical Self Reliance and Leaving No Trace. Come to think of it, a 3rd is Community Responsibility. So your logically considered questions are spoken to in advance by 30% of the Principles. I think we're soon to find out which of the 70,000 attendees are observing their religion and which are posers.
I recall reading that BM has long been on thin ice with the BLM, at least with the local BLM managers, and I believe Pershing County, NV has long been on record as being "done with it". One must imagine tons of solid human wastes and tens of thousands of gallons of liquid wastes distributed over a wide area won't go over well with either the Federal or local authorities, and we already know where the Pyramid Lake Tribe stands on the whole affair. Last, from what I've read and seen images of, tons of garbage and damaged gear is left for the organizers to remove following "the Exodus" even in a good year. One might expect something of an increase in such discards this time.
Foy said:
Last, from what I've read and seen images of, tons of garbage and damaged gear is left for the organizers to remove following "the Exodus" even in a good year. One might expect something of an increase in such discards this time.
The whole event makes my skin crawl. Never had an interest in it and this makes me even less interested.
AWG_Pics said:
The whole event makes my skin crawl. Never had an interest in it and this makes me even less interested.
What? Seriously? You don’t want to hangout with 30,000 of your new best friends?

For the record… neither do I.
The following headline caught my eye. Seems accurate…

Burning Man dubbed ‘Trench Foot 2023’ as rain drenches event, attendees stuck in mud told to ‘conserve food, water, and fuel’
Thank Goodness! Now if Cousin Eddie can be sent in to deal with those "s******s", everything will be just fine!
Some have chosen to hike out the five miles. Ones with rv`s said will be back to get it when allowed to drive in.
Perhaps this will be the last year for the Absurdity in the Desert.

Lets all hope that the BLM and others will finally have will enough to shut the nonsense consumption of the desert

David Graves
There was a great story in this mornings SF Chronicle about all the issues past and present.
You have to ask how this event goes on anymore.

Who's going to foot the bill for all the rescue/cleanup?
I have a good guess.

If you like watching paint dry or corn grow you may like this live feed of people leaving Burning Man.


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