Nightmares With Camping Neighbors

I have a friend who has come up with an interesting method for dealing with the annoying, noisy people in campgrounds. He is an early riser (think 5 AM) and always carries a supply of firecrackers with him. After he breaks camp and is on his way out, he gets as close to the offending campsite as possible (in several cases, under the offending trailer or next to the tent), lights the firecrackers and calmly drives off.

He has never stuck around for the chaos that ensues but I can only imagine.
kmacafee said:
I have a friend who has come up with an interesting method for dealing with the annoying, noisy people in campgrounds. He is an early riser (think 5 AM) and always carries a supply of firecrackers with him. After he breaks camp and is on his way out, he gets as close to the offending campsite as possible (in several cases, under the offending trailer or next to the tent), lights the firecrackers and calmly drives off.

He has never stuck around for the chaos that ensues but I can only imagine.
Here in the tinder dry west, that can lead to more issues than the average wanderer would desire. Things like fire and time in prison come to mind, law suits are always a possibility. I'd pass on that technique.
simimike said:
I had to learn this the hard way. Now I pay for one night at a time when in a cg, just in case I decide to relocate. And as far as people being right next to you. I've noticed that in parking lots some folks will park right next to the camper and hang out. Even when there are plenty of empty spaces. Go figure.

I've always called those folks Lemmings. I've always parked in the south 40 wherever I go. I like to get away from the folks that always just pull into the next slot then open the door into you. I figure the exercise walking in is good for me. But there is always some dummy that has to park next to someone in an empty lot. The Lemmings. Just waiting for the Pied Piper to lead them somewhere!
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