nighttime LED glow from heater


New Member
Apr 19, 2011
Midpines, Ca
I'd like to put a piece of electrical tape over the tiny LED light on the heater in my 2019 Hawk. There is an annoying green glow coming from the bottom of the cabinet (I'm not a fan of night lights).
Is it safe to do so?

Yes, it won't hurt anything. I'm also not a fan of things that glow at night. My volt meter is barely noticeable most of the time. At night its another story, I wired in a switch so I can turn it off at night.
Thank you. I was worried it was also some kind of warning light. I don't have much electrical skill but I will get busy with my electrical tape. Cheers to nature's dark nights with no light pollution.
Might have to get some of those. I still have some glue residue where I used a piece of black tape to hide the high beam indicator one night on a long trip.
After more research it turns out my green glow is not from the furnace. According to Dometic, there are no LED lights on the model used in my 2019 Hawk. So I called the Four Wheel Camper and they told me the light was from the charge controller, which is located in the same location. I covered the light with electric tape though I might try the light dimming tape in the future.

Thanks for the helpful responses.
joanne said:
After more research it turns out my green glow is not from the furnace. According to Dometic, there are no LED lights on the model used in my 2019 Hawk. So I called the Four Wheel Camper and they told me the light was from the charge controller, which is located in the same location. I covered the light with electric tape though I might try the light dimming tape in the future.

Thanks for the helpful responses.
The LED on the IOTA charge controller is indeed bright (and sometimes blinks). I just placed some of the light dimming film over it and will give it a test over the weekend to see if that is enough. On our camper the propane/CO detector is located nearby and also has a bright LED - I put film over it as well.
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