Nor-Cal Coast, Eureka to Gualala: Suggestions, please.


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
C.E.R.T's topic reminded me that I should ask for input/suggestions on camping/seeing in a stretch of the California coast which I've only visited once, I think, and that was >30 years ago, the stretch from Eureka south to the little town of Gualala. I plan to take this trip last week in June, first week of July.

My overall Plan: A road trip with the official goal of visiting my brother and his family in Gualala on the California coast in extreme-southern Mendocino county. This will be a trip in my Honda Civic -- not my truck-camper...but I'll have my pre-camper-era car-camping gear.
On the first day I'll drive to Redding, CA and spend a night with my Folks, then the next day head west on 299 to the coast. I haven't been on 299 in >30 years. Growing up in Redding my family would occasionally take that winding road to camp at Patrick's Point State Park, north of Eureka, and I spent one college summer working for the USFS in Hayfork.

I plan to spend a night -- or possibly two -- between Redding and Gualala, that night or nights camping in a campground somewhere scenic.
Any suggestions for a scenic -- close-to-ocean-scenic -- campground(s) somewhere south of Eureka?
I guess that would most-likely be somewhere along Highway 1 where it goes down the coast -- quite a ways south of Eureka, since I know that 101 mostly stays away from the edge...but maybe there are roads that take off from 101 (drivable by a Honda Civic Sedan) that get to a campable place on the coast.

And/or, any partial-day/couple-hours really-cool places I should see along this route?


After I leave Gualala, I'm not sure of my route as I generally head home to Bend, taking a couple/3 days to get home.
I may visit a WTW member who lives in Sebastopol...and I'd like to drive by Clear Lake -- a place of childhood-vacation/weekend memories. I caught my first fish there at the age of 5, off the dock of the motel where we always stayed. And I remember one time we were looking out across the lake at dusk and saw headlights coming across the lake towards us. Eventually they reached our shore, near us, and drove up the boat ramp! It was one of those aqua-cars that were around back in the '60s...remember those? Crazy!

Thanks! :)
(and in exchange, I'll give advice on where to visit/stay in southeast Oregon
Don't remember the road names off hand, but take off towards the coast at ferndale. Head back to 101 by Redway. Perfect road for a small car.

take the Wildcat out of Ferndale and Mattole Rd back to 101 from Petrolia. This will take you through lots of great North Coast country and if you are lucky the weather will be as beautiful as it has been lately. If you decide to bring your truck you can "back road" it all the way down to where Hwy 1 leaves the coast via a few roads. The Wildcat and Mattole road are definitely worth it.

If you have time let me know when you hit Hwy 101 and we can have a beer at 6 Rivers Brewery.


Thanks, guys...I'm now peering at my Benchmark California atlas for the road(s) you suggest.

I've gone ahead and reserved a campsite at MacKerricher State Park for June 28th, the night before I'm due at my brother's place. I think I will take two nights between Redding and Gualala, so I still need a car-drivable campspot somewhere between MacKerricher and Eureka...probably closer to Eureka.

Any more suggestions are welcome. :)
Mark, If you're as far south as MacKerricher, you ought to visit Mendocino. Yes, it's a bit touristy, but it's worth walking around and checking out. You can take the road just south of Big River, inland to Comptche, then to Ukiah on the 101. There's two reasons to take this road: Montgomery Woods, most secluded old growth redwood state reserve and Orr Hot Springs, which are very nice.
Mark-well several folks have already mentioned the places i've been going to for years, like Matole Beach BLM CG/River (home of the really getting old hippies)-don't need a 4x4 to play in the King Range, lot's of small BLM and county, campgrounds in the area, not to mention some weird little stores and stops. Take HW1 from 101 to my favorite place, Westport Landing state CG/Beach before they close it in August (hope they don't), just before you hit there & the the coast on the right is the access to a great state CG/area at the Lost Coast and if you feel brave the road into Usal and the state CG there is real neat-Redwoods, elk, black sand beaches and all, but don't know the condition of the access road right now! Okay, Fort Bragg is a mess, but keep going and even though it's got lot's of tourists, Medoceno is probably worth a drive through. Narvaro State beach CB on HW1, is sort of prim and may be worth a night stop! If you had more time and your truck, 162 is a nice run back thru the Medoceno NF to Black Res is neat and into the central valley. Okay stop at the store/deli in ELK and have them make you a sandwich and enjoy the smells there, one of my dreams is to find a house in Elk someday and except fro my runs to the desert stay! Point Arena and the CG at Manchester (also slated to close) are worth a stop or stay. I'd just stay on HW 1 after your visit to Galena and go to Fort Ross (Clear Lake is really crowded with people and lot's of traffic on 20 and w/o your truck heading north into the Mend. NF could be a problem), they are always doing lot's of work there and each time i stop i see something new, and head to the Russian River or Bodega Bay for some Clam Chowder at the Tides! Thinking about heading to the coast myself soon, but coming in from 162 to Colvelo, 101, then to the coast! Email you when I get ready to go, maybe can meet somewhere long the coast! Enjoy!

Oh yeah, while you're in Fort Bragg, stop by Roundman's and pick me up a couple pounds of bacon. Best stuff ever and its right by the brewery:rolleyes:
.....I think I will take two nights between Redding and Gualala, so I still need a car-drivable campspot somewhere between MacKerricher and Eureka...probably closer to Eureka.

Close to Eureka with easy beach access, two campgrounds come to mind:

Clam Beach just north of McKinleyville has daytime vehicular beach access. The campground itself has spots for tent camping. The downside is it is right next to 101 so you will get traffic noise. See

The other is Samoa campground at the south end of the north jetty. Tent sites available. See

Oh yeah, while you're in Fort Bragg, stop by Roundman's and pick me up a couple pounds of bacon. Best stuff ever and its right by the brewery:rolleyes:

Ditto! Fantastic bacon and the linguisa is oh so good too!
Thanks for all the exploring, "check-it-out", and camping ideas, guys!

Oh yeah, while you're in Fort Bragg, stop by Roundman's and pick me up a couple pounds of bacon. Best stuff ever and its right by the brewery:rolleyes:

Ditto! Fantastic bacon and the linguisa is oh so good too!
Sounds like a great place to pick up edible gifts for my brother and his family (except his veggie-daughter).
Thanks for all the exploring, "check-it-out", and camping ideas, guys!

Sounds like a great place to pick up edible gifts for my brother and his family (except his veggie-daughter).

Veggie-daughter not a problem, go to the Harvest Market. At the corner of hwy 20 and hwy 1. Could a grocery store be a tourist stop? Harvest Market could, stop and enjoy wish we had one in Stockton.
Mark, do me a favor and see how full Westport Landing SB and Narvarro SB's are when you drive by on HW 1 and if you have your pc with you, and have the time send me an update. I hear it's pretty full over there, and I still am planning to try and head over there by way of HW 162 - the Mendocino NF-Covelo route later this month or early next month before they get closed in August (if they do)! Keep me posted on your trip, we may still be able to intersect somewhere after you leave your brothers' place. In any event have a good trip over to the coast.

Mark, do me a favor and see how full Westport Landing SB and Narvarro SB's are when you drive by on HW 1 and if you have your pc with you, and have the time send me an update. I hear it's pretty full over there, and I still am planning to try and head over there by way of HW 162 - the Mendocino NF-Covelo route later this month or early next month before they get closed in August (if they do)! Keep me posted on your trip, we may still be able to intersect somewhere after you leave your brothers' place. In any event have a good trip over to the coast.


Smoke,the Westport cg was stuffed!!! when we came by on monday as were the other cg's. We stopped and got one of the last spots at Van Damn,which was full of campers. Can't believe the state cg's allows that many people to camp in one site.But we needed a spot and it was getting late. We didn't want to gamble on a spot down the road. As we passed Narvarro beach there were only a few units there. It looked like there was plenty of room. Boy we always tell ourselves not to come down the coast during summer but we never listen to us.After hwy 162 south there was little or no traffic. The drive was nice but very windy.
Good luck. Frank
Smoke,the Westport cg was stuffed!!! when we came by on monday as were the other cg's. We stopped and got one of the last spots at Van Damn,which was full of campers. Can't believe the state cg's allows that many people to camp in one site.But we needed a spot and it was getting late. We didn't want to gamble on a spot down the road. As we passed Narvarro beach there were only a few units there. It looked like there was plenty of room. Boy we always tell ourselves not to come down the coast during summer but we never listen to us.After hwy 162 south there was little or no traffic. The drive was nice but very windy.
Good luck. Frank


Thanks much for the info-I'm like you visit during the fall, winter and spring-never during the summer. Thought I'd try and see what's going on in regards to the closing down Westport and Manchester, sort of a last visit-sure hope they don't do it---been going there for ever! Thanks again!


Thanks much for the info-I'm like you visit during the fall, winter and spring-never during the summer. Thought I'd try and see what's going on in regards to the closing down Westport and Manchester, sort of a last visit-sure hope they don't do it---been going there for ever! Thanks again!


Manchester was open as was Fort Ross cg. Yeh not summer,I just don't learn. The drive lures us,but been there done that so many times I think we have it out of our system.
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