North Coast Fuel Prices

the fisherman

Big Time
Dec 12, 2007
To anyone planning a trip to my neighborhood, fuel prices as of today: Eureka reg. gas 379.9 diesel a mind boggling 429.9 Hansens Truck Stop in Fortuna, reg. gas 370. deisel 410. You get the message, fuel up before you get here.
I just about cried... I drove through Needles, CA yesterday for work and Diesel was 4.50! I'm glad Diesel vehicles have such a good range. I made it down to Quartzite w/ a 1/4 tank to spare and filled up there for about 3.80. For reference, I was in our Jetta TDI (business vehicle/trip) and made the loop from Tucson up to Kingman and back down through Bullhead City, Lake Havasu City, Parker and into Quartzite on the same tank. I probably could have made it all the way down to Yuma, but didn't want to chance it as that is an area where you most definitely DO NOT want to run out of fuel. I'm heading out to San Diego today. Hopefully the fuel prices there are a little better than Needles! OUCH!
Diesel On the Alaska Highway

Diesel up here, 350m miles up the Alaska Highway, is approx 4.70 for a United States Gallon. I think I did the conversion correctly.
Be There Soon

Thanks for the warning, we will be in Sitka the middle of next month, for S.E. troll season, actually I thought the road price might have been even higher up there.
Are you driving to Prince Rupert then ferry to Sitka? Good luck fishing.
Little Did I Know

Went into town today, just in time to watch all the fuel depots raise their prices, all at the same time. Diesel 5.30
I know what you mean Fisherman. I lived in Eureka for over twenty years. It was always the most expensive fuel I could ever find. Makes me glad I'm here in Baja for a month or so. Barely made it to Mexicali on my way down and fueled up with 40 gallons of diesel for - you ready for this?- $2.08/gal.:thumb:
I'm travelling and have found a large range of gas prices. Since I have a gas rig I don't remember the diesel prices. The highest I've paid on the present trip was $4.20 on I-8 just outside of San Diego. The lowest I paid was in Yuma about 90 miles east. I came across I-10 e/b to Fla and found most of the gas prices to be about $350 to $3.60. They have since gone up and are now in the $3.70 range in South Georga.

The gas prices are hurting everyone. It use to be that when you stopped in a rest area for the night all the trucks ran their engines. When the prices started to rise it got real quiet in the rest areas, Now the trucks seem to have generators that they run all night.

Also, I slowed way down and am enjoying the ride more and saving a little gas along the way too. I noticed that the trucks have slowed a little, but they're still running over the speed limit most days.

Bob Wassam

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