Northern Nevada Summer 2015 Storm Damage.


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2014

I just spent the last 4 days wandering around Northern Nevada (July 23-July 27).

Just an FYI that there has been a long period of major T-Storms and there are a lot of washouts and road damage out there. The worst seemed to be in the Toyabe Range, but there was some road damage along the Reese River roads. The State Park at Berlin is basically closed.

I ended up having to back down about 1.5 miles of road near Austin because of a washout and I drove up one road near Fallon that I really should not have done.

A number of forest service side roads are in pretty sorry shape.

Still a great trip - but be careful out there.
Yep, thanks for the word. I've had a trip planned for that neck of the woods for late next month, but it looks like I might need to rethink several things based on the situation you've described. Would you happen to know the areal extent of those storms, for instance, did they likely also hit the Monitor and Table Mtn ranges and the Great Basin NP area?
I was at Great Basin and it was fine.

Most of the damage seemed to be in West of Monitor Valley - Reese River and west towards Gabbs at least.
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