Not a fun trip per se, but an evacuation...


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2014
Coastal Low Country, SC
We left our home, about 40 miles north of Charleston SC on Sunday. Evacuated up to Raleigh. Managed to get most of our toys out of the danger zone but sadly, too many other things had to be left behind.

The storm will pass to the north of our house as a CAT 1 hurricane.


So we are hoping for the best when we return.



I launch my boat from this location in the village; about a mile from the house...


Looking southeast out across the Refuge towards the ocean.

No doubt dark skies and angry water today and even more so tonight and tomorrow.

Hurricane Hugo (CAT 4) devastated this area in '89.

I know Eddie (SMLOBX) has his house on the Outer Banks of NC in harms way as well.

Anyone else affected, we wish you luck and hope for the best! Most importantly, please stay safe.

Advmoto18 said:
I know Eddie (SMLOBX) has his house on the Outer Banks of NC in harms way as well.

Anyone else affected, we wish you luck and hope for the best! Most importantly, please stay safe.

Best wishes to all affected by this hurricane. You are in our thoughts. Stay safe!

Bill, beautiful area! Thanks for the photos! :)
I didn't realize you'd moved from the Containment Area. Hoping for the best for you and yours in the Low Country. Moving the last of trucks, trailers, and boats out of falling tree range momentarily, picking up the grandkids from school, feeding them and having a sleepover here at Pop and DD's in North Raleigh tonight. Our gain on the tracking forecast is obviously SC's loss. I think I know of your new home area--had 15' of storm surge in the high school gym during Hugo in 1989.
Advmoto- best wishes to you and yours. Thanks for posting the photos- makes it more real for those of us not affected. Good luck with the storm- hope everyone comes through ok.
Advmoto what a beautiful home you have, and nice looking area around you. Glad you are safe, and will have good thoughts for y'all.
Bill sorry I’m late to respond.
I hope you were able to survive relatively unscathed.
We ran down to our house (a 7 hour drive) Monday as soon as we heard they gave orders to evacuate Hatteras Island. Made it down and started to board up what windows and doors we could reach with our ladders and left by Tuesday noon. Only a few locals decided to stay.
I understand that we didn’t have any damage and hope you have the same result.

If you need any help call me. Have Super Duty will travel!

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