Nother newbie...Hoping to be an owner

thanks for the tip CJ

I just found one... 2005 in San Jose - $7800.

I sent an email saying I could be there on Tuesday - we'll see if I get a response.
I'm pretty sure I was the first responder, but he sold it to somebody that showed up first. Can't blame him for that. Can curse him, and also hate him, but can't blame him.
Same old song and dance I heard time and time again last year, ron.

I had an idea a year ago when I was looking, but due to the fact that I was fairly new here at WTW I held off asking. that I KNOW WHAT GOOD FOLKS ARE HERE...I would have certainly broached the question/idea to the forum. Dunno if it'll work...or work for you...

but MAYBE you could beg/bribe/prod a few guys here...say in the LA area and the SF be your "point man" and your eyes so you don't miss out time and time again. I think it's safe to say that most of the regulars here KNOW when they see a good camper and with the Net/cell phones/etc. we are fairly connected for pics/ might be worth a try?

And heck...most guys here are rabid for these campers and would go out of their way to just talk to someone else who has one. LOL.

either way...good luck! mtn
Same old song and dance I heard time and time again last year, ron.

I had an idea a year ago when I was looking, but due to the fact that I was fairly new here at WTW I held off asking. that I KNOW WHAT GOOD FOLKS ARE HERE...I would have certainly broached the question/idea to the forum. Dunno if it'll work...or work for you...

but MAYBE you could beg/bribe/prod a few guys here...say in the LA area and the SF be your "point man" and your eyes so you don't miss out time and time again. I think it's safe to say that most of the regulars here KNOW when they see a good camper and with the Net/cell phones/etc. we are fairly connected for pics/ might be worth a try?

And heck...most guys here are rabid for these campers and would go out of their way to just talk to someone else who has one. LOL.

either way...good luck! mtn

If I could pick up a new one for about $12k I'd just do that, but the new ones on FWC site are over $15k, and that is just pushing me to where I don't want to be.

There is a gent of the board that is considering selling his older unit but its older than I'm really looking for. I guess if the price is such that I could own it for a short time and not lose too much, I might go that route should he decide to sell. I'd really like to find something within 5 years though that would run me about $7k. That would keep me from having to hide the firearms from my wife.

Well, I got another plane touching down, back to work for a couple hours. 8 hours down, 8 to go.

It's a Grandby Shell. If I bought today, I'd get the longer camper for my short bed truck.


I think this might be at Tom's Camperland. I'd try offering them less.


I've got 2 parking situations that would be a problem parking with the tail-gate down - although I think I'd probably be "mostly ok". I know that extra 18" would be a big help inside (i know i know.... drum roll, "that's what she said"), but I'd just as soon stick to the Hawk.

I did look at that posting though, yes, I believe it's a Grandby shell at Tom's. I think I saw it on RVT.
I'm pretty sure I was the first responder, but he sold it to somebody that showed up first. Can't blame him for that. Can curse him, and also hate him, but can't blame him.

I like your style, welcome to the forum - :cool:

I searched for two years, but I have an oddball truck and I live hundreds of miles from anywhere, so the shopping experience was particularly brutal. I was very fortunate to have bought mine from a good guy, who honored our agreement even though he had people calling and offering more than I was paying him for it.

I've always told people in the hunt, be diligent and be ready to call and jump on it when the right one comes along. There's seldom time for hemming & hawing & asking the wife. You buy or you lose. Keep your eyes on as many RV Classified websites as you can. Everyone shops on Craigslist these days. I found mine on and there is also Check any nearby newspapers who have an online classified section as well. The more places you're looking, the better your chances.

Hope you find your Hawk. It sounds perfect for what you're wanting to do. Good luck -

Like KC and others I spent some time searching. I missed my first one (I've owned 3) because of price. It took 8 months to find the next one. I now realize if its nice and less than new jump on it.
Hawk for Ron

Well like a few other members the wife and I recently bought a larger trailer for life change reasons.

Seeing Marks posts I offered up my 95 Hawk and looks life it will work for him for now.

Dodge Guys any fit problems/bolt suggestions for a 2004 2500 Ram?

Like the others I'm not leaving just changing the rig for a while. Picked up a 19 foot Nash for the twins. We figure there will be many road trips to come.
Hi Ron Welcome to the group!

I've been searching for a used one for a while now, a hawk or a fleet. My budget is too limited to entertain a new one. I search a lot of different craigslists and was just saying the other day that I wish I had a way to search them all at once. Where did you get that software/what is it called?

Gosh, This reminds me when I was looking for my used Hawk shell. Just kept checking the online sites, finding craigslist seeming the best. AS soon as I saw it, jumped on the call and went right over to check it out. Offered on the spot. He honored the handshake. While I was looking at it, the guy was getting calls on it!!!

overall, it took about 2 years of casual looking and 6 mo of serious looking. Gotta be in the right place at the right time. I set a limit to how far i would drive to get it and just kept searching in that radius. Have not thought bout it much now, but can't imagine life without it these days. Probably missed out on 3 or 4 serious ones before I finally got the deal. Patience will pay off. Good luck and keep searching and be ready to pounce!!!

Dave in seattle.
Hi Ron Welcome to the group!

I've been searching for a used one for a while now, a hawk or a fleet. My budget is too limited to entertain a new one. I search a lot of different craigslists and was just saying the other day that I wish I had a way to search them all at once. Where did you get that software/what is it called?


I'm not sure the software he uses (sounds interesting) but lets you search multiple craigslist sites at once.
Well Ron Just left my place with a brand new to him Hawk. Any one willing to drive 1600+ miles for a FWC is ok with me:thumb:

Yes I will post pics when I get a chance.
Another vote here for the shell with the propane/furnace installed. Not being cold is half the reason for getting these things. I can tell you that I have never met a guy that got a camper without the furnace that didn't regret it.

Not me. :eek:
That was a long drive... I can't thank Mike enough. I know this is where I should be inserting pictures... When I got there, I pulled out my camera only to find the memory card door ajar... That's right, I left the memory card plugged into my laptop back home.

I had many great shots to take, which will have to reside in my mind... One funny story that is worth telling... Just west of SLC is the great Bonneville Salt Flats... If you've never seen it, it's worth a trip. Anyway, thousands of acres of just flat white land. Going out, and again coming home, there is all of these tire tracks. It looks like cars must just pull off the interstate and go whizzing around the flats.

I was thinking - that looks like it might be a little marshy - I wonder if you would have any problems... Must not - there's tracks everywhere.... Well, that is where the picture opportunity came in on the way home... At the very east end, it is very marshy looking. About 30 feet in there is the cowboy with the big lifted Ford with at least 37" tires - that would be just a guess... The tires were completely submerged, except for the top 3 or 4 inches. The owner and a tow truck driver where sitting there scratching their heads. You could tell they had been trying to no avail, and because of their proximity to the interstate, could only attempt angled extractions. To have the best luck, they'd need to close the interstate and try and pull it straight back. There was no highway patrol there yet, so they must not have been there too long. I imagine this morning Cowboy is out some serious cash.

Anyway, back to the transfer... Mike and Westi live in paradise. Their house is beautiful, and in one of the most desirable locales in the country. The twins looked happy and healthy, and the dogs were friendly to a fault.

Installing the camper was a fairly quick operation, and made the ride home without problems.

I didn't get away until about 4:30pm, so I was going to be doing the first 200 miles in pretty heavy traffic, so I didn't check the tie-downs until stopping for fuel out east of Sacramento. The front driver side was completely off, the front passenger side was a little loose, and the two in the rear were tight. I was watching the camper closely and didn't see any bounce or movement, so I was surprised the front ties where so loose. I tightened down the front ones, fueled and hit the road again. Going up the hill to Tahoe/Truckee/Sparks/Reno was a really tough drive. Heavy traffic, rain, road construction all made that a very slow go.

By the time I hit Elko, I was done. I couldn't go any further. I stopped in Elko, and there was a little commercial area where there was a Smith's grocery and a Starbucks - perfect for waking up - using the restroom at the grocery, grabbing a donut, hitting Starbucks, fueling and going. That was the first official night in the camper. It was great. Anyway, funny anecdote - as I was driving east out of Elko, I picked up a little local am radio station and they were talking about how a person had been murdered while sleeping in the Smith's parking lot 2 nights earlier. Nice.

I checked the tiedowns before pulling out, all tight. My assumption is that the camper shift on the temporary 1x4's that its resting on. My sidewall clearance was going to be tight, and I couldn't find a rubber mat, so we did a temporary improvisation to make sure we cleared the sidewalls.

All in all, the trip went great. Today I'm going to put some lock nuts on my tie-downs, double check my eye-bolts, do a little wipe down, and stock it with some items. Tomorrow I'll leave home for a stretch of 6 work shifts in 3 days, so I'll sleep in it over the weekend.

That's about it for now. Thanks again to the group, and Mike.
Glad you got home alright Ron, I was just thinking about ya. I'll miss that camper but figured it has a great new home.

As promised here are some Pics:thumb:

It much easier to mount with two working instead of one.
New project 2002 Nash 19B- First up Fantastic Fans!


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